[@The Bork Lazer] Overdriver part two looks good. I think the backstory is very solid, and the mention of Pacific Islands immigrants will give me the opportunity to bring in some lore between refugees and Amalgamation's operation. In the backstory, you do mention the New York Seaboard as the New York Stateboard and the fixer your character works with is referred to both as Joren Chado and Jorek Chado in various places. You may want to fix up those small errors, but otherwise you can move to the character tab. [@Atrophy] Adamantia Steele looks fantastic. I'm glad we have some more Central Party believers to keep the government in order. You can move to the character tab when ready.[hr] In other news, I'm going to say the cutoff point for applications is going to be the 31st. Alternatively, I'm going to put a current cap of 10 on accepted applications, so the RP doesn't start too large to efficiently manage while we get started. In an effort to keep things moving, we'll start working on character relations briefly before beginning in the new year. If anyone may struggle to meet the deadline but still wants to participate in Futility, fear not for there will be more opportunities for players to join in throughout the roleplay. Let me know if you have concerns or questions.