Although Rene didn't have the same level of experience with Syshin as Solae he could tell that this was alot for Yarue and Dasin to take in. The life of slave was one of routine, albeit unpleasant routine, with deviations that could be dangerous or lethal. To be whisked away like this and told they were being set free might well seem to good to be true. For all his seeming nonchalance Ten didn't quite manage to avoid tensing slightly when Solae suggested arming the Syshin. Rene wasn't afraid that the Syshin would massacre them if they were armed though, as in the case of Rosaria, he was concerned that lack of expertise might lead to accidents. Sometimes you had to take risks to get results and if the Syshin wanted guns as a sign they truly were free, Rene was ready to comply. Beside the crystalline table was a large plastic tub with a clip on lid marked with the word ‘emergency’ in large orange lettering. Rene unsnapped the lid and reached into the crate, removing a folded bundle of rubbery gray plastic and an enclosing helmet with a clear visor. A pair of gauntlets with zip closures were attached to the main body of the garment by a length of self adhesive tape. "We are all going to be changing, or at least, putting these on over our clothes," he explained, shaking out the bundle in his hand to reveal a lightweight vacuum suit. As far as vacc suits went they were not prepossessing, simple neoprene on a skeleton of hardened plastic rings with an air canister and a helmet with breath regulator. It was the sort of thing better suited to work in a zero G storage facility or depressurized freighter than in hard vacuum, but it was perfect for what Rene had in mind. To Rene's surprise the Syshin stiffened at the sight of the suits. "What is the problem?" he asked as he stepped into his own suit, thrusting his booted feet through the legs and drawing the zip closure that ran from crotch to neck tight. He didn't put his helmet on, partially because it would make talking more difficult and partly because he didn't want to appear more intimidating. "You are taking us to space?" Dasin asked, his voice suddenly suspicious. It dawned on Rene that the Syshin's experience with zero-G and vacuum suits had been long brutal months aboard Thorne's rock hoppers. "We need to get to our ship and this is the easiest way to do it without killing anyone," Rene explained. "As soon as we get aboard we will ditch the suits," he went on before glancing at Solae. "You are free now and if you want to leave we wont stop you, but at least let us get you off world, if you stay here Thorne will find you eventually," as he spoke he reached down and retrieved another folded suit, holding it out to Dasin. The Syshin glanced at Yarue who gave a grave nod. Dasin took the suit from Rene. "Can we do as the Duchess... as Solae suggests and get out of these furs? I do not with to die looking like a y'misi," Dasin asked. Rene had no idea what y'misi was but Ten nodded and called to a few of the warehouse personnel. A moment later a foreman trotted over with a pair of large jumpsuits stenciled with the name Consolidated Star Freight, one of Ten's many front companies. The Syshin stripped off the furs without any trace of modesty and pulled on the jump suits. They didn't fit well, but then that was true for nearly everyone who wore such garments. Once they were dressed they began to don the air suits with the ease of familiarity. "I'm ok," Solae assured him as he helped her into her own suit. Ooanh Park hard warned him that her body could be easily pushed too far and that the signs might not be obvious. Criestia's assurance that she was alright carried some weight but he didn't know to what degree the doctor was factoring in the altered the genetics of the nobility. Rene nodded and gave her hand a covert squeeze of affection. Having had to watch her put herself in danger without being able to help had been taxing and he was almost giddy with relief to have her back safely. Rosaria seemed to be having some difficulty with her suit, the smallest size Ten had been able to find was big on Solae, but Rosaria, for all she had seen in her short life, was still a child. Ten solved the problem by taking a roll of cargo tape and securing the loose fabric by running loops of tape over the girls shoulders. It looked vaguely ridiculous but it would do for the length of time Rene expected they would need the protection of the suits. From outside the door there came the soft thrum of an air cushioned cargo sled coming to a stop. The sled was an extremely simple vehicle, merely a trio of fan nacelles with the most rudimentary of controls, intended for moving cargo from ships to loading facility. It was about twenty feet long and intended to carry three standard six by ten foot containers. This one only carried two, one at the front and one at the rear, with the missing container providing a void in which passengers could shelter. Ten nodded his approval as the sled powered down and came to rest on the concrete. “Duchess,” the kingpin began with a fair imitation of a courtly bow. “I believe the time has come for us to part ways. I have been honored by your company and I wish you good fortune in the days to come.”