For a heartbeat Leyla weighed her chances of taking the Zabrak down. She was quick, and she thought she might be able to get a shot off before he did. Aiming at the neck of his armor she stood a good chance incapacitating him or at least distracting him long enough to get to a better position. Still he was talking rather than shooting, and it seemed reasonable that he would probably continue to do so. She flicked the butts of her pistols with her thumb, letting gravity rotate the barrels towards the deck before slipping it back into the holsters strapped to her calves. Slowly, she raised her hands and stood up using only her legs so that she faced the Zabrak directly, keeping her hands up and well clear of her weapons. "We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot," she said with what she hoped was a disarming smile. The Zabrak was tense and she let her mind relax. She didn't think much about the Force anymore, but she didn't get the feeling that he was likely to shoot her out of hand now that she was clearly not a threat. "My name is Leyla," she said, indicating to herself with the finger of one raised hand. "I uhh, got into a little trouble back on Maldor," she explained, referring to the planet the Agesilaus had recently left with its undeclared passenger. "I needed somewhere to hide and I thought this ship might be headed out to the Rim," she went on, diplomatically choosing not to mention that she had selected the most dilapidated ship she could find. "I didn't really have time to discuss passage, what with the Stormtropers looking everywhere for me," she continued, taking a chance that the Zabrak would have no love for the Empire, not that many did outside of the Core.