[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7xkYndx.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4yfOAKa.png[/img] [color=ed145b][h3][i]Arlette Sylvestre[/i][/h3][/color][color=FFBF00][h3]Keith Solomon[/h3][/color] [i]October 21st Death City, Nevada Joint Solomon-Sylvestre Apartment -> E.A.T. Classroom[/i] [right]Tags: [@Inertia] - Keith.[/right] [/center] [hr][hr] [color=ed145b]"Bonjour Keith."[/color] Arlette would answer, after seeing her Meister arriving from his quick shower. [color=ed145b]"Oh, I am well, though that movie last night turned out to be a big fiasco, you were lucky you fell asleep. "[/color] she said with a sigh, finally finishing up her large cup of coffee. His second sentence would make her raise an eyebrow. [color=ed145b]"You felt it as well? I was hit with a sense of unease earlier, it feels like something is brewing! Or maybe it was just the postman walking by, hate those guys."[/color] she jested. [color=FFBF00][i]Postman?[/i][/color], Keith thought. In cases like these he compared her to a guard dog, scaring away any visitors. The thought caused him to chuckle before he pushed it aside, [color=FFBF00]"On my run. It felt like I had a pair of eyes on me."[/color] He said, gulping down the last bit of his cappucino before continuing, [color=FFBF00]"Probably nothing."[/color] He glanced at the clock at the wall before began digging into the granola bowl, they still had a healthy amount of time left. [color=ed145b]"And if it is something, it wouldn't be all that bad. Been a while since I had a soul! Mission assignments seem to be going slow in preparation for the Death Festival."[/color] she would say, waving around a fork with a piece of pancake on it before devouring that last bit of her breakfast, sighing happily as she now had the proper amount of food and caffeine to start her day proper. He nodded in agreement, but kept it to himself that he was slightly glad that missions slowed down. Partly for obvious reasons and partly because he thought that they could improve their synchronization as a team, something they both subconsciously felt. As he ate the last spoon of the bowl, he piped up. [color=FFBF00]"Time to get ready soon then."[/color] He stood from the table and began gathering his belonings, his notebooks, pen, glasses and whatever knick-knacks. [color=FFBF00]"You too, Arlette."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Oh... Actually, I didn't mess with that stuff for all weekend so everything should be in my bag already,"[/color] she said, rubbing behind her head and giving Keith a fanged smile, as the implication was that she had not done her homework. [color=ed145b]"Just gonna take a quick shower and I will be ready to go."[/color] she winked and quickly left before running away from the living room to avoid being scolded, as she had promised she would not slack on that anymore. [color=FFBF00]"Arlet- That girl."[/color] Keith said. [color=FFBF00][i]I'll reprimand her another time.[/i][/color] The only thing he asked of her is to keep up with her studies, he didn't want her dropping out. With a sigh, he put on his glasses, grabbed a book about soul theory, and then laid down on the sofa. He figured he may as well pass the time reading as from experience she seemed to enjoy bathing and takes her time. He really couldn't argue with her, baths are simply just relaxing and oddly enough, for napping. Arlette was very sensible to sensory stimuli and easily distracted by them, not too different from a dog in a sense, it was why she needed the repetitive sound of the clock to be able to sleep well, else she would find herself distracted by every single noise echoing through the night. The shower had a similar effect, and she often found herself being far more brooding under the drip of cold water than she was in her daily life. Today her thoughts were similar to Keith's, minus the good sense of not being gung-ho about fighting if you still have a lot to improve. Because they had had a strong start, enough to allow them to move into the EAT Class, the duo had so far not done much to try to increase their synchronization outside of the basics, such as moving in together. However, now that they had the company of more able Meister - Weapon duos to compare themselves to, it was clear their initial good sync was just a first step in a long, long journey. Yet, she wondered how they could improve further, so far everything had come to them naturally, she never had to think much about it, it was hard to jump to rigid exercise routines and the like from something as freeform as that. Before any answer could come by, she finished bathing, quickly dressing up in her actual outfit, with the boots, black skirt, blouse, vest and the red bandana with fake wolf ears. [color=ed145b]"All done Monsieur Solomon~"[/color] she would say cheerfully, walking into the living room once again. No response would come as she should have suspected. Keith had true skill when it came to falling asleep, it was even the reason why they had only a shower instead of a bathtub, and even then he still had dozed off in the bath a few times. Walking up to him, she would smile, gently taking off the book from over his face and putting it aside, carefully taking off his glasses and placing them on the case before, finally, [i]"gently"[/i] grabbing him by the feet and starting to drag him off the couch, off the apartement even. She wondered if he would wake up, sometimes he didn't, those were the fun times, totally worth having her arms hurt for a few days. Keith was jostled awake, it took him a moment to recognize where he was and who was dragging him by his ankles. It was obviously Arlette. From what he could tell, they had just left their apartment, the little people scattered about on the sidewalk eyed them with curiosity. [color=FFBF00]"Damn it, not again."[/color] he murmured. [color=FFBF00]"You can let go now."[/color] Arlette blinked rapidly, still walking a bit before stopping. [color=ed145b]"Oh... you woke up! Heh, was expecting to make it to the school like last time~♥"[/color] she gave Keith a fanged grin before extending her hand to help him up. [color=ed145b]"Oh well." [/color] He slapped his dusty jacket a few times while walking with Arlette, flicking off some lose stones that found its way into his jacket. [color=FFBF00]"Could've gone for a more gentler option. Something like a princess carry."[/color] he joked, getting his rucksack back and slinging his it over his shoulders. Hearing the last few words, her eyes would widden, looking impressed, reaching for a small pocket notebook on her vest, writting down something, and then placing it back,[color=ed145b]"I will remember that~"[/color] and unlike her homework, she really would. Stepping closer to Keith now that he was up, she would help a bit by patting some dust off the jacket too. [color=ed145b]"Let's get going then?"[/color] The duo were close to the E.A.T. classroom, Keith yawned and stepped into the classroom. He found their assigned seats and settled in, he didn't feel like napping again considering what Arlette might do to him if he does. Instead he opted to find his glasses and a piece of paper. Wordlessly he puton his glasses began sketching away, this time a perspective shot from his view of the classroom. [color=FFBF00]"Oh, right. Arlette, have you done your homework?"[/color] he asked despite knowing the answer. Arlette was writing on her actual notebook in a hurry, trying to do her homework at the last minute, she had the hope that all the morning shenanigans would have made him forgot about it. [color=ed145b]"Errr... uhmm.... Let's say maybe I... did not do it... uhh... fully."[/color] she only knew how to lie when it was for the express purpose of mischief. [color=ed145b]"Okay, look, I am in a bit of a pinch, Monsieur Hellsing is no Madame Barr but I think I might be pushing it. Could you not help your beloved demon weapon friend out of this one? I know you did yours. Please? I can do anything you want in exchange and I promise next time I won't mess up."[/color] [color=FFBF00]"Arlette Sylvestre. You've made your bed, now lay in it."[/color] he said harshly, stopping his sketching. Coincidentally, his homework was open next to him. Coincidentally he felt a suddent surge of sleepiness, he placed his feet on the tabled and covered his face with another book and laid back. [color=FFBF00][i]This is the last time.[/i][/color] he thought, knowing full well that this was the fifth last time. Keith really shouldn't indulge her like this, but he figured he would just make doubly sure to be harsher next time. She would frown at first, pouting, before blinking rapdly as she noticed what was actually happening. [color=ed145b][i]Keith you are the best~♪[/i][/color] she thought, but didn't say it out aloud, instead focusing on quickly copying his homework. Although at first she had a wide smile for having been saved, she quickly found herself frowning slightly. She was used to messing up and get stares from teachers, but with Keith... it felt kinda bad. She would try her best next time and wouldn't watch movies or series until she was done with her homework! ... Then again, maybe one episode to relax a bit before starting wouldn't hurt... Keith sighed. Now all they could do was simply wait for class to begin, that would still take a bit considering the classroom was almost empty, most students yet to arrive. At least it would be enough time for Arle to finish copying the homework.