[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qKR7099.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YeWlcGV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qOiceA1.png[/img][/center] [right][sub][url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648232151246045224/654902062743683073/cd5b3ae7e1ec37dce2bb0d9ac6cd34a2.jpg]Outfit of the day[/url] Daze right/Jules left[/sub][/right][right][sub]Collab with Jordan[/sub][/right][hr][hr][indent][indent]Being twins, Juliet and Daisie Park shared a lot of things in life. A room, a car, a Keurig machine, k-cups... they even worked at the same job and shared shifts. Sharing a room meant that they shared alarms — unfortunately, both of them also shared a habit of hating the very [i]idea[/i] of getting out of bed. For Juliet, the world was cold and loud and not [i]nice.[/i] Her bed on the other hand was warm… soft… comforting. She didn’t want to leave it! That was why she’d mumbled to her phone. [color=#4ebcff]“Siri, turn it off…”[/color] And snuggled deeper into her bed. It wasn’t like it was [i]that[/i] important! They’d been late before, why did it matter anymore if it was the first day of school or not, they could be as late as they wanted. What would they seriously miss? Some stupid first day of school ceremony? She didn’t want to… [color=#4ebcff]“Oh my GOD, Siri, I said to turn it off!” [/color]Jules barked at her phone, diving to stuff her head underneath the pillow. [color=#4ebcff]“Is that one even mine? Daze, turn your alarm off! Whose idea was this!?” [/color]Juliet had forgotten that they’d made the terrible decision of alternating alarms between their two phones to make sure they woke up in time for school. Juliet had never, in her life, regretted a decision so much [color=#4ebcff]“I wanna sleeeppppppppy.” [/color]She whined loudly, still hiding beneath her pillows. The mornings were never kind to them. At the incessant complaining coming from across the room, Daze grumbled and tried any and all positions that would help her pass back out. No such luck. It was the same [i]Every. Damn. Morning.[/i] Regardless of school or any other event that required their presence at a specific time. The twins shared everything and that included the mutual distaste of waking up. It had been that way ever since Daze could remember. She liked to think that it was because of all the nights she would stay awake, sitting in front of the television - at an unhealthy distance mind you - and binge her favorite anime. However, that excuse couldn’t be used to plead for her defense this time. Sure, she played League of Legends with Sam last night, though she logged off at a decent enough time in order to prep for the last first day of high school hell. With the muffled cries of her twin, barely audible through foam and fabric, Daze growled out again and fumbled around on her nightstand, blindly searching for the culprit. Once found, she squinted at the illuminated screen and hit the snooze button. [color=#87c73a]“We got like, 10 more minutes…” [/color]her own voice laced with sleep. It didn’t take long for the two of them to drift back off into the land of slumber. Round one was won by the Park twins, who found their way back to the welcoming comfort of sleep. Unfortunately, they may have won the battle, but they were going to lose the war. When she’d slapped the snooze button, Daze’s finger had missed its mark — and instead, she had turned the alarm off. Ten minutes quickly turned into thirty, and Juliet’s eyes opened without the screaming of her sister’s phone, blaring an alarm in her ears… Happily, Juliet yawned, stretching her arms over her head, and wondering how this had happened. She beat the alarm? This was different! With a slightly smug look on her face, she glanced over at Daze, reaching out for her phone with one hand. She clicked it on, and her eyes immediately widened, with a look of horror quickly replacing the smug one. THEY WERE LATE. INCREDIBLY LATE. [color=#4ebcff]“Daze, Daze, Daze, you gotta get up! WE’RE LATE!”[/color] It took a moment for the words to reach her sleeping form but when they did, Daze shot up from her comfy position, sheets and comforter pooling at her waist, [color=#87c73a]“Hm, what?! I’m up, I’m up!” [/color][i]Clearly. [/i]Rubbing the sand from her eyes she turned in the direction of her twin as she scurried around the room doing fuck knows what. As articles of clothing were being carelessly tossed a rogue, crumpled blouse honed in on Daze’s location and smacked her in the face. It seemed that that was what did the trick in order to get the older sister up and out of the bed, throwing her legs over the side she ran her hands down her face a few times, smacking the skin lightly in order to rouse herself from her drowsy state. She soon began to trudge her way to the foot of the bed where her outfit lay from it’s placement there the night before. While Juliet was wasting her time in deciding what to piece together from the large selection in their shared closet, Daisie was at least smart enough to plan ahead of time. A brisk walk carried the blonde twin to the shower where she cleaned up quickly before hopping out and getting dressed. When she turned to head back to the counter and fix her hair and makeup she was thoroughly disgruntled to find that Jules was hogging it. [color=#87c73a]“Get ouuuuut,”[/color] Daze could no more than pout and lightly nudge her sister out of the way causing a stray line of black to skirt up to her hairline. The glare Daze received through the mirror just added to the hardship of trying to hold in her laughter. When Daze bumped her and messed up Juliet’s makeup, a scowling look immediately crawled across Jules’s face. [color=#4ebcff]“I told them we needed two bathrooms,” [/color]she hissed. Or at least, two vanities. It was bad enough she had to share a room with her sister, having to share a bathroom just made it [i]worse. [/i]Firstly, Jules was a [i]lot[/i] cleaner than her sister, and it just got kind of worse in the bathroom… [color=#4ebcff]“It’s hard enough for me to get ready when you’re not in the way, wait your turnnnn.” [/color]Juliet whined, shooting a look over at her sister. [color=#4ebcff]“Now I have to fix this, and it’s just going to take you more time to get your turn.”[/color] Groaning out of frustration at the issues she just cause for herself, Daze gripped at her hair tugging it and storming off back into their room to look for anything that could constitute as a makeshift vanity. Her gaze lingered a bit longer at her computer set up on the other side of the room and instead of just going down the hall to use her brother’s bathroom, [i][color=#87c73a]‘ughh no,’[/color] [/i]she physically shuddered at the thought of what that would smell like - she instead plopped herself in front of the screen and booted it up. Impatiently bouncing her right leg Daze rushed back into the bathroom, dodging through Jules to grab her makeup bag. With the bag in hand, Daze went back to her desk and opened up the webcam and began to apply her face. Not too much longer after she began she was done - something simple for the first day. It wasn’t like anything spectacular was going to be happening today. Why waste the effort? [color=#87c73a]“Jules~,”[/color] she sang out to her twin, [color=#87c73a]“Are you almost done?”[/color] She had stood from her desk and began the Keurig machine to supply them with their morning drug of choice. An extra pep for their sluggish steps. If anything could get Daze and Jules through morning hells - it was coffee. And since they had a machine in their room, it was a daily ritual to grab a cup, or two, before officially leaving the comfort of their home and beginning on their adventure. Jules was done with the bathroom; with her makeup finished, and her hair done, she was put together for the day. Unfortunately, for Daze though, Jules’s tiny frame was blocking the door to the bathroom; and it didn’t look like she was going to give any time soon. Both parties knew that there was almost no chance Daze could slip by Juliet, so for the time being, Jules was in control of the situation and the promised land. There was only one thing that the princess had in mind. There was only one thing left to complete her morning. She was put together, dressed, and cutie-ified as much as she could be. Now, she just needed one last bit to make everything livable. [color=#4ebcff]“Did you start coffee, yet?”[/color] [color=#87c73a]"[i]Yeah, yeah[/i], now get outta the way,"[/color] and with that Daze traded spots with her sister as she began to blow dry her hair. Upon checking the time on her phone, which was laid out on the cluttered counter between her and the mirror, she let out a surprised squeak. Daze ruffled the last bits of her damp hair, it'll air dry on the way, she called out to Jules to pack up her shit and the coffee and to get ready to bounce. [color=#87c73a]"We gotta go!"[/color] Snatching her neon green tumbler from Jules outstretched hand she dipped to grab her pin and patch embellished backpack and was heading out the door and down the stairs and towards the front, only pausing to lace up her faded yellow Dr. Martens and yell back to her twin. [color=#87c73a]"Jules! [b][i]C'mon![/i][/b]"[/color] [color=#4ebcff]“Don’t rush me! We’ve been over that.” [/color]Jules responded, sipping from her thermos. Unlike her sister, Jules was walking at a normal, casual pace; she had a philosophy, and she was going to stick to it: if you were a little bit late, you might as well be a lotta bit late. She wasn’t going to rush herself for anything, least of all school. She wasn’t going to get in trouble for one tardy, and it was her last year of school, anyway. [color=#4ebcff]“Senior year, Daisie. Senior year. Don’t go into it stressed out, mmk? We gotta stay chill, or you’ll… I dunno, do something that ruins my plans of going to Disneyland again…” [/color]Jules muttered as she stepped out of the front door and toward their car. [color=#4ebcff]“”You’re gonna drive, right?” [/color]Of course, Jules already knew the answer to that question — in fact, she was heading toward the passenger side door. Releasing a frustrated sigh as she stood there with the driver’s door propped open, Daze closed her eyes and tilted her head back to the sky, [color=#87c73a]“It’s already gonna be a long year…”[/color] and in swift motion she was sliding into the driver’s seat and turning the key in the ignition and they were off towards the campus. [color=#87c73a]“Pass me my cap please~”[/color] she gestured with her hand extended in a [i]‘gimme’ [/i]motion, which Juliet complied. While driving slightly over the speed limit, Jules playing DJ in the front seat, Daisie spotted someone skating up ahead. [color=#87c73a]“Oh, it’s Joey!”[/color] Having already noticed, Juliet had hoped that Daze would drive by while focusing on the road — and therefore not notice the skater boy that Juliet had never [i]really[/i] approved of. Unfortunately, Daze was about as safe of a driver as could be expected of the more spastic of the two Park twins… which meant she noticed before they pulled past him. Scoffing and scrolling through her social media Juliet wore a slight frown,[color=#4ebcff] “We’re not picking up your [i]ex-boyfriend,[/i] Daze. That’s the last thing I want this morning.” [/color]It wasn’t like they had the time to spend taking detours on their way to school. But it also wasn’t like they were in a huge hurry either. Like she said, they just needed to chill. Take the day as it came. [i][color=#87c73a]Ding.[/color][/i] [i][color=#4ebcff]Ding.[/color][/i] Simultaneously the twins’ phone’s notifications went off signaling that it was a group text. Most likely from someone in the Knights group. A group chat they’ve had going for over a year now. Most of the time filled with anything from random shit like irrelevant memes, deep thought provoking questions at 3am - all opened and responded to of course - to Sam and Daze hitting everyone up for League and other gaming sessions. During the summer there was suppose to be more meetups, but everyone working more hours and taking trips and just hanging out with other friends - [i][color=#87c73a]“Psht as if,”[/color][/i] Daze had joked - it was harder and harder to get everyone together at the same time. Without looking up at her sister, Juliet’s finger was sliding across her phone screen. Jules wasn’t about to take the blame for them being late — not when Daze was the one that had missed the button and shut the alarm [i]off[/i] instead of snoozing it like she was supposed to! [b]To: The Knights[/b] [b][color=#4ebcff]we’re late again ofc daze hit the wrong buttin on the morning soooo[/color][/b] [b][color=#4ebcff]we’re on the way tho dwai! uwu[/color][/b] The rest of the ride was enjoyed in relative silence. [color=#87c73a]“Think Rich is wearing a fanny pack?”[/color] Daze’s voice cut through the air and resulted in the two of them howling with laughter as they pulled into their designated parking spot that all the seniors were graciously gifted from the school’s administration. [b][i]Psht[/i][/b]. They owed them a hell of a lot more than just some dinky parking spot. Luckily for them, though, they were able to snag the spot next to Sam. [color=#87c73a]“Aiight, where they at?” [/color]Daisie was too busy stretching her tiny limbs to realize that she was about to spill her life source all over her beloved twin. Luckily for the both of them, Jules had more situational awareness than her sister, and reached up to push the thermos away from its tipping point, before grumbling. [color=#4ebcff]“And people think [i]I’m[/i] the airhead, because I like Disney… At least I don’t try to melt my sister’s face off with coffee.” [/color]Jules muttered, before sipping from her drink herself. [color=#87c73a]“Oops. Sorry.”[/color] The entire quad was silent, for the most part, as people were shuffling their way towards the auditorium. Daze looked back at her twin, as if to point out that they were not[i] that[/i] late. Once they poked their head into the auditorium though, Jules nudged Daze with her shoulder, and pointed out a certain someone in the crowd. [color=#4ebcff]“He beat us here, Daze…” [/color]She muttered, looking at Joey P, the skater they’d passed by earlier. They were later than late! Rolling her eyes, Jules made a mental note to make sure she was in charge of the snooze button in the future, and then she headed with her twin toward the others in their little friend group. [color=#4ebcff]“Sorry we’re late, guys… we didn’t miss anything like, important. Did we?”[/color][/indent][/indent]