[center][h3][color=mediumpurple]Luna[/color][/h3] [color=mediumpurple][b]Time:[/b][/color] After Sunset [color=mediumpurple][b]Location:[/b][/color] Woods outside of Vie-EtMort [color=mediumpurple][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Tae] - Sorrel [color=mediumpurple]✦[/color] [@Alivefalling] - Cyrus [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610974769193418753/rgrgr.png?width=960&height=83[/img][/center] [color=lavender]The woods flew passed the blonde as she sprinted through it. Her cold feet were crunching leaves and twigs beneath her but she didn't care. Her hair blew in the wind around her and often into her face much to her annoyance. Her hospital gown billowed around her and only caused her to shiver as she ran. Her eyes were wide-eyed as she scanned the surroundings for any fast moving shapes. While she didn't see any, it didn't mean that they weren't behind her. Sobs escaped her as her throat began to close up. The damn medicine had caused her an allergic reaction and it was a struggle for her to breathe. She wondered if she would choke to death while running. How awful would that be - to escape the Death Chute, only to die from her throat swelling up. God, what was life anymore? It had to be a surreal dream but when she looked around, the reality brought her back. Distant yells were heard, causing her heart to race at the sudden noise. [color=red]"LUNA!!"[/color] All she could do was focus on the forest in front of her as she sprinted madly through them. She had to escape. She wanted to live, not perish - especially that way! Death by vampires, slowly watching as the blood drained from her. She glanced at her chewed up wrists with terror. She was certain she left trails of blood but what did it matter? They could smell her a mile away and probably see her too. Oh no. Would Desiree send some of the stage D vampires after her? Oh God. She couldn't fight those off. Absentmindedly, she touched her throat and brought her hands away to find blood gushing from them. It only fueled her terror and anxiety even more. Another sob escaped her. Was that the end? Would she bleed out in these woods? She hoped not. She stared forward as her eyes burned with tears and stars danced in front of her vision. She was starting to gasp for air. The cold night air whipped her hair into her face and caused her to stumble. She cried out as she lost her footing and rolled down a hill. Her hands grasped the rocks and branches, but they only broke off and smacked her in the face. She yelped in fear and was deposited at the bottom of it and onto her back. Winded and disoriented, Luna stared up at the night sky. The stars blinked down at her, as if mocking her for her situation. Tears streamed down her face as she curled up into a ball and assessed the situation. Her legs were bleeding, adding to her throat, wrists and ankles. She heard another distant yell of her name and shot to her feet. She stumbled and saw double as she thrust herself forward into a half-haphazard run. The sound of splashing caused her to inhale and looked down to find herself standing in a river. She sunk into it to try to cleanse the blood off of her. She needed to help quell the stench of it and her own scent. This only proved to be agonizing; her open wounds nearly made her scream out loud. She bit her tongue hard enough to slice it in half and let out another sob into her soaked hands. Luna glanced over her shoulder as she gathered herself to continue running. She couldn't stand around anymore, washing herself off. She didn't know where she was going or where she would end up. Anywhere was better than here or back in the hellish nightmare. She gasped for air and clutched her throat. She could only beg her body not to succumb to the medication and the vampire venom. At the same time, she could hear distant but closer yells of her name. Luna scowled as terror began to settle in. For a moment, the werewolf was unsure if she would truly survive. She gritted her teeth and refused to give in. She closed her eyes and used the reserves of her energy to transform into her werewolf form. The pain erupted for a moment then settled down. She took several deep breathes and began to sprint as fast as she could. She had wanted to save her energy, but they were gaining on her. Luna sped towards what seemed to smell like food. Maybe Ember Groves was closer! She felt giddy for a moment as exhaustion began to settle in. Her throat was starting to swell by now, and her legs were trembling from the bleeding. Luna paused running and looked over her shoulder with deep violet eyes. The vampires were a couple miles away. She trotted forward until her body forcefully gave out nearby a bush. She looked around it and scooted more into it for shelter. Then, knowing she couldn't save herself, let out a loud, echoing pleading howl. There had to be werewolves nearby... There had to be. Luna felt her heart pounding beginning to slow down as her breathing became quick and shallow. Her vision blurred as she curled up into a ball and tucked her tail around her face. Slowly but surely, the scenery faded and everything went black.[/color]