I shall attempt to join this. Edit: Here is what I have now. Still a WIP. Edit2: Now it is done. [hider=Gorim] [b]Name:[/b] Gorim [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 4'9" [b]Weight:[/b] 200lbs [b]Main Class:[/b] Rogue. [b]Subclass:[/b] Assassin. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7uhfmgh.png[/img] [b]Biography:[/b] While dwarves are normally seen as a deeply principled people, no race is without its scoundrels and criminals. Gorim was born a street rat, who as a boy wound up in the service of a dwarven crime lord. He began his criminal career as a pickpocket, but as he grew older he moved on to burglaries, and eventually assassination. The latter he was especially well-suited for, and took a secret joy in. He became the crime lord's most trusted and efficient agent, and as a reward for his service, a pair of enchanted boots were bestowed upon him: they would allow him to jump to unnatural heights and land safely on his feet. With this gift, his efficiency as a killer only increased, and it was whispered that no target was beyond his reach. Gorim revelled in this reputation, yet despite his infamy, the thought of betraying his boss never crossed his mind. He was happy with his place. Unfortunately, it was not to last. Gorim's boss was eventually poisoned, and his lieutenants began squabbling amongst each other to replace him. Gorim could have made his own claim, but he had no interest in running a criminal enterprise. Instead he chose one candidate, and personally assassinated all rivals. Yet the candidate he chose was paranoid, and tried to have Gorim killed soon after. The attempt failed, so Gorim killed him in return. The poorer districts of his city soon fell into chaos, becoming a free-for-all between the now leaderless criminals. It was at this point that Gorim decided it was time to leave the city behind... but not without performing one last act to leave his mark on the city's history. He assassinated the city's ruling lord, sparking a succession crisis, as that lord was the last of his clan. Only then did his home city behind, seeking a new life on the surface. Life on the surface brought complications, however. Although Gorim had not wished to change his ways, he found that he had to. In a world of humans, dwarves stood out, and so if a dwarf was seen fleeing the scene of the crime, he was a natural suspect. Furthermore, he lacked the protection or connections necessary to reliably find assassination contracts. So, he had to be more careful. [b]Why have you come to Draydon?:[/b] After a long period of travel, Gorim eventually settled in the city of Draydon, where he took to legal work; acting as a mercenary or a private investigator. He considered such work beneath him, however, and couldn't help but occasional revert to his old lifestyle. From time to time he would burglarize a merchant's estate, or murder a particularly sleazy nobleman. He did his utmost to be subtle, as he could not afford to be seen. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Gorim is a man who thoroughly enjoys his work. He takes deep satisfaction from outwitting others. Sneaking past guards, robbing greedy merchants, besting a foe in combat, or killing a supposedly untouchable target. All these things and more bring him an almost giddy sort of joy. Internally, he is in a constant struggle between a need to be cautious and to avoid attracting the law's attention, and a desire to show off his talents and strike fear into the hearts of the city's citizens. In his everyday life he presents himself as a jovial and generous. He is eager to help those he considers friends, and from time to time he will give a coin to a beggar or buy drinks for strangers at the tavern. He is a friend to the lower classes or to fellow outsiders of the city, and harbours a resentment toward those in positions of authority - especially those who abuse their power. Those of more refined background may view him as ill-mannered and uneducated. [b]Character Fighting Style:[/b] Unlike most dwarves, Gorim relies on agility and dexterity rather than brute strength. Although he generally prefers to remain hidden and strike from the shadows, when he does show himself on the battlefield he is a whirlwind. His stout dwarven stature grants him a lower center of gravity which allows him to nimbly dodge attacks, and his enchanted boots enable him to leap over the heads of his foes with acrobatic proficiency. He is a climber as well, and will often take to rooftops in order to get the drop on his foes. [b]Primary Armanent:[/b] A mithril shortsword. [b]Secondary Armanent:[/b] A steel shortsword. [b]Inventory Items:[/b] -An enchanted pair of boots which enable Gorim to jump higher; enough to just barely pass over the head of an average height human. -A concealable blackjack which he uses exclusively for knocking out unsuspecting targets from behind. -A pair of smoke bombs. -A rope with a grappling hook. -A set of lockpicks. -A waterskin. [b]Coin Purse:[/b] 200 gold. [/hider]