Phillip felt himself ease up as titles were dropped, and with them some formalities. To Han, he said, "That's what [i]I've[/i] been saying," with a smile. "I know these kinds of parties can be stressful—" he glanced at Alejandro, "—and you know how shy Gen is; she was very happy to run off with Henri to catch up somewhere quiet." He returned his attention to Han as he finished, "But we have got to have some fun here." A little stirring of guilt rose up in Phillip's stomach, even though he knew it wasn't really his guilt to feel. Alejandro's situation was complicated and not his fault. More than half the people present were in political engagements that he [I]knew[/I] they didn't want. But it still felt…uncomfortable, to stand across from Han and smile at her—however genuinely—while knowing Alejandro had no plans to maintain their betrothal. While having feelings for Alejandro that he had no business [I]having.[/I] "Is there anything in particular you guys want to do in Aciras?" he asked, because now was not the time to worry about any of that. And they were going to have [I]fun,[/I] damn it.