[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Oak Park Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] There was definitely a lot to process here. So many things that needed to be vetted, and a lot of trust to be placed in a stranger. Maddy almost didn't want to believe it, any of it, but there was that nagging feeling inside him. A major "what if?" That lurked in his mind, telling him of how much he would miss if he chose not to at least go and see this possible new world. Another side of him warned of danger, not just the one coming from Villains like Maleficent, Jafar, or any others, but real danger that came from trusting a stranger. Unfortunately for him, his curiosity had already won out this battle, shrinking down any anxiety that may be holding him back and telling him not to go. He nodded as Colby spoke, glad to hear that he was on board with him in following her around. The more they could find out the better, and who was this mysterious missing person? He looked towards Tinker and nodded with a stern smile. Ideas racing through his mind and filling it with wonderous imaginations. The thought of epic quest, daring sword fights, magic, wonder and more by the side of Colby; oh and some other kids too he guessed. The thought sunk deeper as he realized he had no real skills to call on for adventure. Just his mind to help solve puzzles or riddles, but he doubted that anything like that actually existed in the realm of adventure. Then again, he doubted fairytales were real until just a few moments ago. [Color=99CC00]"Is it true she can shift into a dragon? Is Merlin [i]really[/i] that old? Will we get to meet Alice and see the Vorpol sword?! And I still havent heard if that's a test or no to flying today."[/color] Maddy was already on his feet, ready to go and see this new world that had been unveiled before him.