[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191127/7c26bcc65cfd06c3f9b15209f5257632.png[/img] [img] https://cdn.cinecom.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/giphy.gif[/img] [hr] Interacting with Riley[@Fabricant451] [hr] [color=silver]”Nice to meet you, Riley. They call me Jess”[/color] Bombarded with several questions at once, Jessica grinned at the overflowing enthusiasm that was leaking from the smaller girl. The rock chick moved her face closer to Riley’s phone and bit her plump bottom lip seductively. [color=silver]”If you nerds want to see what I got, you’re gonna have take this girl from thousands to hundreds of thousands. Make it happen and I’ll make it happen, can you dig it my loves?”[/color] She winked to the many subscribers before returning to her full height. She offered her silk gloved hand forward for a handshake but pulled it back sharply when her quantum field began to displace. [color=silver]”Sorry. I don’t have a full handle on this thing yet”[/color] Jess was not any kind of scientist, inventor and really she wasn’t even that clever. After undergoing terrigenesis and becoming an inhuman, she knew that she would have to brush up on her smarts if she ever truly wanted to understand what happened to her in that cave deep in the rockies. The bare minimum she understands and even then that’s a stretch, is that her body no longer exists fully on the normal plain of existence. Apparently her cells a constantly displacing between our world and the quantum realm, leaving her literally torn between two worlds. If that wasn’t the premise for a rock song, it should be. It was only thanks to a connection her father made Berkeley University that Jess had any insight at all into what her powers actually were. [color=silver]”You’d think a place this big would have a map or something. What do you say, Hulkstan, wanna go on an adventure with me and find where we’re actually supposed to be?”[/color] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191116/3a023469d0f14870b5c74da2d6063b5d.png[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/283734667/original.gif[/img] The holy grail had been found….a tuna sandwich!!! Theo sat on the walls edge, stuffing his face as he watched the Goblin Childe jam to the guitar solo playing in his ears. The quiet he was feeling inside would only last for a short time, he knew this but it was a small slice of serenity and he was going to make the most of it while the little bastard was quiet and enjoying himself elsewhere. Mobius was an amazing sight to behold; especially now as the student body has begun to leave the confines of the assembly and their dorms respectively. The school grounds were starting to fill up with beings made of pure light, , mutants, inhumans, cockroach men and he was pretty sure he bore witness to a talking dinosaur in a lucha mask at one point. This was going to be a long strange trip but he was down for it, so was the Childe to an extent. This whole trek was about Theo learning to accept the Childe, to harness him and use him to become the most heroic Green Goblin that ever existed…or he could say fuck it and use what he learns to become a pro wrestler, either way it was a win. [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2porvkJJyGo]As the song switched over[/url] The Big Tuna jumped down from his high wall perch, sandwich hanging from his mouth. The fall from the height of said wall would normally break a persons legs, Theo landed with all the grace of a pig in shit but he didn’t feel an ounce of pain, joy to the Goblin serum. He had some exploring but the need to be around others was causing an itch and you just gotta scratch an itch when it happens. Theo decided to head back towards 1A, he had little doubt that Ziggy would probably still be there and by this point others in their dorm must surely had arrived. Stopping by a vending machine on the way, Theo grabbed some flaming hot Cheetos and a Hershey’s bar, boy had to eat. Sauntering up towards the 1A building, he entered with his collection of snacks and made his way to the common room. Ziggy was there with a handful of others and he waved, food in both hands. [color=8BAC42]”Sup all”[/color][/center]