[center][hider=Illezra Wengale] [color=gray] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/401640422352486400/644656912020930561/9462693b73cf27432a4f993c287c8bd0.png[/img] [h1][b][u][color=red]Illezra Wengale[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [color=red][b]Race[/b][/color] Tiefling [color=red][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=red][b]Height[/b][/color] 5' 8" [color=red][b]Weight[/b][/color] 126 lbs [color=red][b]Class [Subclass][/b][/color] Rogue [Assassin] [color=red][b]Personality[/b][/color] Illezra is very distrusting of humans. Ever since a young age, she has faced one atrocity after another from them. Because of this Illezra is very cold and distant when in the presence of humans, and she often prefers to avoid them entirely if she can. Towards other races, Illezra is more open as she hasn't had enough exposure to them in her life to come to any conclusions. Naturally, she is very open toward other tieflings, as she is curious about her own people and wishes to understand more about herself. Illezra's has a very deep seeded hatred for people in powerful positions. She is willing to go as far as killing corrupt aristocrats and nobles if it means others wouldn't have to go through the things she has been through. While Illezra's motives are purely out of personal vengeance, the consequences of her actions tend to have larger impacts on the political and social landscapes around her. [color=red][b]Biography[/b][/color] Illezra's life was cursed long before she was ever even born. Some time long ago, an ancestor came into contact with a demon, the details of such an event are hazy at best now. Nevertheless, their crossing of paths sowed a seed of corruption in the bloodline that carried on for generations. No one ever knew it was there, at least not until it manifested itself in the newborn daughter of House Wengale. Darrick of House Wengale and his wife were both devoutly religious. His first child and heir to the lordship of House Wengale, Rufus, grew up with much of the same religious ideologies as his parents. Baron Darrick was there to witness the birth of is fiendish daughter. It would have been an understatement to say he reacted poorly. Since the day Illezra entered the world, she was kept a secret from the public, with only the nurses and doctors in the room knowing of Illezra's existence. Darrick formed a narrative, explaining that his wife has miscarried, and that Rufus was still his only child. He kept Illezra in the cellars of the Wengale estate. The only ones who came to see her was her mother, who despite being even more religious than the baron, couldn't bring herself to hate her daughter. Even as Illezra grew older, she was kept in the cellars and tunnels beneath the estate. She didn't have any contact with the outside world. Her experience beyond the dank wet tunnel walls all came from a barred off window looking out from the hillside upon the Ruby City of Draydon. One day, her brother came down into the cellars for the first time in years. Illezra was an older teenager at this point. Rufus summoned his bodyguard into the cellar and ordered that the window be blocked off from the outside. Filled with anger, Illezra lashed out at Rufus and tackled him to the floor. Before the bodyguard could pull Illezra free of the heir, she had clawed at his fingers and raked four large marks across his face. The would leave scars behind that would forever mar his otherwise handsome face. Rufus had his bodyguard drag her to the dungeon, and he kept her there in secrecy, all while lying to their mother that she had run off into the city the first chance she got. He explained that he was trying to calmly stop her, and that she lashed out at him and attacked. The narrative was twisted once again to the public eye, that Rufus was injured by a bear during a hunt. One might think it'd be hard to keep her presence in the dungeon a secret from the baroness, but she never went down there at all and the baron rather endorsed Illezra's punishment for harming his son and heir. In the dungeon, Rufus' twisted side became clear to Illezra. He wasn't just a power hungry bastard, but a sadistic one too. Rufus went to the dungeon ever few nights to torture Illezra. He would lash her back with a hooked whip, drip holy water on her, and he would even let his bodyguard take a turn every so often. All through Illezra's life, her experience with humans was painful and evil. It planted a very deep hatred for humans, and allowed for the dark tiefling urges to cloud her mind. After three months of torture, sleep deprivation, hunger, and thirst, Illezra was stripped down to being borderline feral. Whenever Rufus would bring a new prisoner into his dungeon, he would scare the unfortunate soul by placing him in the same cell as Illezra who was chained to a wall. One night, a hooded figure stepped into Illezra's cell. It was another tiefling, a man with sharp features and an even sharper gaze. He told Illezra that he was a bounty hunter, and that the baroness of all people had hired him to locate her and collect her alive. He didn't give many other details, only that he was surprised to find out that the baroness had no clue the tiefling she was looking for was in the very same building as her all this time. He was the first tiefling that Illezra had ever met. Before then, she thought that she was the only one. She showed more curiosity and restraint toward him than the feral snarling she had showed so many other prisoners. Nevertheless, the bounty hunter was still cautious in breaking her chains. When he was done freeing her, Illezra collapsed to the floor. She had no strength in her. The bounty hunter provided her with water and some trail rations to give her the energy she needed to escape the estate. Using the same clever way that the other tiefling had taken to get in (a small tunnel at the bottom of a dried out well), the two escaped. He took Illezra deep into the Sword Mountains, where they finally reached their destination during a hard blizzard. A snow covered cabin with firelight in the window. [color=white]This will be followed up on during the first IC post in the RP, and more events in her life leading up to her return to Draydon will be unveiled as things progress.[/color] [color=red][b]Equipment[/b][/color] - A sharp, curved dagger with no defining features. It looks as though it can be easily replaced - 10 ft. long whip - A simple outfit of travelling leathers and a black cloak with a hood - The Wengale family signet ring belonging to her mother. It has her name engraved on the inside of the ring. Proof of her family lineage. [/color] This CS has been looked over and approved by the GM after a few edits were made to keep things in line with the GM's intent. [/hider][/center]