[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/gD9rVru.png[/img][/center] [color=AC5FFB]Time:[/color]Late Morning [color=AC5FFB]Location:[/color]Baelde's [color=AC5FFB]Interactions:[/color][@Dezuel][@Tae][@Alivefalling][@MissCapnCrunch] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Z62x3Z.png[/img][/center] Kyran's options he laid out had made sense, but Risa hoped he'd be willing to protect humans even if they did not want to fight. She knew Kyran had a good heart so she didn't waste time doubting him. He then expressed that he was prepared to die and she couldn't help but take his hand and squeeze it. Things got hectic rather quickly as Elsea did not seem happy with Elthrael's words at all. A small gasp came from her lips as flames ignited in Elthrael's lap. She understood Elsea's feelings but was not sure why she'd go as far as to endanger him or ruin his clothes. Risa opened her mouth to speak and quickly shut it as Elsea began to address Kyran again. Her gaze slid nervously to Elthrael and she had begun to rise to make sure he was alright. Elthrael had risen hastily, claiming, [color=aba000]"The power is not a toy."[/color]He continued on as he addressed the group, [color=aba000]"Those who do not respect the power, will end up being consumed by it. Remember that well..." [/color] [color=AC5FFB]"Wait, Elthrael!"[/color]Risa exclaimed, trying to move around the table only for him to be taken his leave before she could protest. Her arms fell to her sides and stared after him sadly. Just this morning, he had given hints he had feelings for her, and now he was leaving without saying goodbye. Had she felt any back? Maybe a little, but the feelings were mixed. She had felt a bit of a crush, but also confusion and discomfort. Had her negative gut-feeling this morning been correct? She slowly retreated back down to her seat, putting her chin in her palms as her elbows leaned against the table. It sunk in, her own words from this morning repeating in her head: [color=AC5FFB][i]“Ah, but there is so much for us to learn about each other still. Love is a very strong proclamation."[/i][/color] He had not really known her at all, yet Risa knew that deep down yet her heart had latched onto the possibility anyway. Cloud had loved her and would have never left her or treated her in such a manner. He had never even touched Risa in the way Elthrael, but it was also given they had been too young to engage in those actions. She felt deceived. Risa barely noticed her food being placed in front of her, eyes watering.