[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi4wNWZmYTMuUzJGcElFTmhiR1JsY2lBLC4w/madelican.regular.png[/img] [Color=aquamarine][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Afternoon [Color=aquamarine][b]Location:[/b][/color] At sea, abord his ship The Mako [Color=aquamarine][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] The crew of The Mako [/center] [hr] The Mako sailed the high seas in search of its latest target, and it's captain, the infamous pirate hunter Kai Calder stood at the helm. For quite some time they had been in pursuit of particularly savage pirate known as Bastian “The Bloody Bastard” Kincaid, and his crew of the vessel know as The Serpent. This pirate and his crew had the reputation for leaving no survivors, be it naval vessels or merchant ships that they attacked, they slaughtered every soul they ran afoul in the sea leaving destruction in their wake. He ranked near the top of the list of hated pirates that Kai personally wanted to handle, a man for whom the noose would be too much of a kindness. As he stared off into the distance through a spyglass, he caught sight of the vessel they searched for, The Serpent was within his grasp. [color=aquamarine]“Set the air Djinn on increasing our speed, I want them using every bit of magic they can muster on the sails.”[/color] Kai ordered to his first mate, a gnome who moved with incredible speed. They had a handful of air Djinn on board who used their innate magic to manipulate the wind that blew their sails, allowing them to gain more quickly on enemy ships. Once his first mate was out accomplishing this task, Kai returned the spyglass to his pocket and addressed the crew. [color=aquamarine]“Dump all none essential cargo, and prepare the canons. Ahead lies The Serpent, and The Bloody Bastard himself. If we do not stop him now, know that every death his damned crew causes rests on the shoulders of everyone on this vessel. Prepare for battle, men, move!”[/color] He shouted, his voice echoing though out The Mako. Kai set to work ensuring that everything was being readied to his liking, lending a hand at whatever needed done. “Captain!” Shouted a crewman from the crows’ nest. “There’s another vessel out there.” Kai drew the spyglass from his coat pocket and studied the other vessel, it was of the Glasston navy. [color=aquamarine]“The Avalon Avenger.”[/color] He said softly, knowing exactly what that boat was doing out here. [color=aquamarine]“Why are we moving so damn slow! Pick up the pace or I will charge every one of you scallywags with treason!”[/color] He continued to shout, the Avenger was in danger, and her mission was one of even greater importance than pirate hunting right now. He sought out the dwarf who held the position of master gunner. [color=aquamarine]“Ensure no friendly fire harms the Avenger, she is on a royal mission to find that stolen princess.”[/color] He commanded the gunner as they closed in on The Serpent. “Aye, Captain.” Responded the dwarf. The situation appeared more dire than he originally thought, the pirates already had the Avenger under siege and immediately Kai understood why it had been so easy to spot the Serpent. He assumed that the rumors of this pirate ship were true, that they had several dark witches on board able to cloak the ship allowing them unprecedented ability to escape capture and leading to their success in stealthily overtaking other vessels. By now the dark witches were too distracted with the battle underway to cloak their ship, such treachery would require a great deal of concentration after all. Once they were close enough the order was given to fire the cannons upon the pirates. The battle between the Avalon Avenger and The Serpent was already well under way, with the savage pirates having already boarded the naval vessel. The majority of his crew was to sink The Serpent, leaving these pirates with no escape while a select few would head out on the smaller boats, around to the other side of the Avenger to board and assist their fellow naval ship. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjZiNmM3MC5VM2xzWVhNZ1JubHUuMAAA/cenobyte.regular.png[/img] [Color=cadetblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Afternoon [Color=cadetblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Avalon Avenger [Color=cadetblue][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [/center] [hr] The day had been going well and the seas were calm, despite the strange siren the ship. Even so many of the crew remained on edge; the siren was seen as a bad omen, a strange and terrifying creature from the depths of seas and yet another female on the ship. Many of the navy shared the superstition that women brought bad luck aboard a ship. They already had a princess abord, this could not be helped, but a demon from the depths of Davy Jones’ locker, one known through myth to be creature that lured sailors to their deaths, caused an ominous feeling despite the calmness of the seas. Sylas wasn’t sure how much stock he placed in sailor superstitions but soon the calm air gave way to an eerie fog obscuring their surroundings, and this seemed to confirm these superstitions. The enemy ship was not seen until it was too late, already close enough for pirates to begin boarding and with the men caught so entirely off-guard chaos fell around them. The dark ship sailed a black flag, featuring a skull enveloped by a snake, a flag that could only be taken for one flown by pirates. The enemies plan was clear by their lack of cannon fire; to overtake and loot the ship, then steal the prize of Glasston’s navy, the Avalon Avenger herself. As all chaos broke loose, men scrambled to fight back. While the mysterious fog dissipated with the pirate’s arrival, however, the ominous feeling persisted. Silas, along with the other crewmen who were the first to engage in the fight, desperately tried to beat the enemy back. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi4wNWZmYTMuUzJGcElFTmhiR1JsY2lBLC4w/madelican.regular.png[/img] [Color=aquamarine][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Afternoon [Color=aquamarine][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Avalon Avenger [Color=aquamarine][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] open [/center] [hr] Grappling hooks were swung and caught the side of the Avalon Avenger, and Captain Kai Calder was the first to scurry up the rope and board the ship. With battle already underway he stood guard of the grappling hooks until the rest of his men managed to climb up from the boats as well. A loud crack cut through the sound of war cries and painful screams as the Mako succeeded in destroying the mast of the enemy pirate ship. Kai grinned knowing that now the enemy was trapped between two naval vessels, and soon the pirate ship would be sunk sending those that did not die in battle to face a watery grave. Cutlass’s clashed and cannon fire raged as the battle intensified. The once clean deck of the Avenger was soon littered with blood and bodies. No ship in Glasston’s navy would surrender to pirates, and from what Kai knew of the Serpents reputation they would not give in easily either. Kai attacked every pirate in his vicinity with ferocity, a side of himself he was always happy to unleash in battle. The uniforms he and his men wore showed the crew of the Avalon Avenger that were allies, and he could only assume they were more than happy to receive aid. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mZDEwMDguUVc5a2FDQkRlWEoxY3csLC4wAA,,/frusciantehand.regular.png[/img] [Color=red][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening [Color=red][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Mermaids Fortune [Color=red][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] Winifred[@MissCapnCrunch] [/center] [hr] In Aodh’s opinion there was no better way to end a day of hard work, than a night of drinking and celebration. So once Captain gave the order that the majority of them were free to enjoy the night, he indulged in more than a little rum. At first he kept an eye on Katurah as she entertained the crew, making sure that she stayed out of trouble and that no trouble found her either. He relaxed a lot more once he saw the kitten with Elenei, the gnome was more than capable of looking out for the fresh recruit. He also figured it was good for Katurah to have a bit of fun as well after having such an eventful first day on board. After enjoying a bit more rum and gambling with some of the crew Aodh eventually decided to look for Winifred. Having eaten nothing since leaving port Aodh was hungry and the ship’s cook always had food around. [color=red]“Winifred, what an absolute joy to find you. Got anything to eat?”[/color] He asked somewhat louder than necessary once he located the ship’s cook. He was grinning from the excess of rum and in a cheery mood. He knew some men took to raiding the kitchen on there own during festivities aboard the ship, but Aodh did not doubt that Winifred would notice anything out of place in her galley and he did not care to cross those he respected. Piracy was for outside the ship, not within it, and he considered it a great dishonor to steal from one's own crew.