[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z2G3wGO.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KYiW0AY.png[/img][hr][/center] Han was always one to welcome compliments, especially when it came to her tattoos. Something so brave and controversial had actually ended up getting her much respect among her peers, which wasn't exactly the effect that Han had anticipated on it having. Everyone standing around her was complimenting them, and she was definitely feeling good about them for sure. A smile flashed across her face, relishing in the glory of her tattoos for just a minute, before she cleared her throat. [color=FF8E00]"Why, thank you!"[/color] Hearing Phillip ask a question about what to do in Aciras, Han wasn't entirely sure as to what there was to do here. She'd been here many times on official business, but rarely ever did she come for pleasure, if at all. She didn't know what the people of Aciras did for fun, or what sort of tourist attractions there were. There was bound to be something, she just needed someone to point her in the right direction. Han put a hand under her chin, trying to communicate that she was thinking about it. [color=FF8E00]"Outside of this, I'm not sure. I haven't really been to Aciras for pleasure before."[/color] She shrugged, [color=FF8E00]"Any suggestions?"[/color]