For me, I haven't seen neither Madoka Magica nor Precure (yet), but growing up, even at an age I can't remember, I supposedly watched Sailor Moon when family was over. Several years ago I decided to [i]actually[/i] watch it for myself since I couldn't remember a show I'd seen when I was 1... and I loved it. :) Other ones I love are Yuuki Yuna as well, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (a little questionable at parts but I thought it was cute overall), Vividred Operation, Momo Kyun Sword (slightly too lewd for my liking but it was meh), Magical Girl Ore (hilarious watch, and poked fun at the magical girl genre in general), aaaand... that's all I could think of right now. Inspiration came from... well, a combination of a character from an anime I love; Hetalia and personalities of people I know in real life.