[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191109/2f4d40c2273700e13554c8ee93ef8ecd.png[/img][/center] [color=ff8c00]"Oh yes, Henri!"[/color] Alejandro replied, giving Phillip a wide grin. The first time Alejandro had ever met Henri, it was because he'd walked in on Phillip and Alejandro making out. As was expected, Phillip had been a [i]lot[/i] more embarrassed about it than Alejandro had. [color=ff8c00]"And of course, Ara's also here. Gen's friends with Ara, isn't she?"[/color] Although he didn't say it out loud, it was somewhat of a relief that Gen had her own small group of friends in Aciras. Alejandro knew that Phillip worried about Gen, sometimes, and the fact that Gen had a few people that she already knew and already liked being social with probably meant that Phillip was going to be less stressed about everything in general. It wasn't that Alejandro didn't [i]like[/i] hanging out with Gen - the two of them had gotten fairly close, especially after Alejandro had started hooking up with Phillip - but in his experience, siblings didn't always want to be with each other or doing the exact same thing 24/7. [i]In Gen's case, she[/i] definitely [i]doesn't want to be with Phillip 24/7, if tonight ends up working out the way I want it to,[/i] Alejandro reflected, grinning inwardly and resisting the urge to take Phillip's hand and twine their fingers together. [color=ff8c00]"I've only been to Aciras a few times,"[/color] Alejandro responded to the princess from Tuyen Phu, turning slightly so that he was facing her. [color=ff8c00]"It was mostly for the fashion shows. But even in just the capital city, there are some nice spots. I like the bubble tea here."[/color]