As someone who’s spent all but a few days of her life on a ship, her skin, not used to sunlight beyond UV lamps, required some extra precautions, especially on a furnace of a planet like this. As such, Astrid was covered head to toe, mostly following the captain’s example, but replaced the scarf with a shemagh wrapped around her head. Having found no reliable weather forecast, she grabbed some goggles in case of a dust storm and kept them in a pocket for now. [color=FFB435]”Embarrass you? Would we ever?”[/color] Astrid raised an eyebrow, the only expression discernible through her outfit, [color=FFB435]”Such as by getting off-your-face drunk with booze provided by our criminal-in-chief? No thanks, I think there’s been enough of that for a star’s lifetime or two, or ten.”[/color] She stepped off the ramp, marvelling at the desert around them. Not as pretty as nebulae and ice belts, and certainly in need of manual environmental controls, but planets had their charm. Until she made the mistake of looking up. With no static reference, the moving clouds fooled her brain into thinking she was tipping over, making her stumble into whoever was standing next to her in an attempt to counter the perceived motion. [color=FFB435]”Woah, sorry! Don’t look at the clouds.”[/color] [color=FFB435]”And who says we can’t?”[/color] Astrid thought aloud about Josk’s complaining, [color=FFB435]”Orders are to take him alive, yes, but [i]accidents[/i] happen. What are they gonna do if he eats a stray shot or hits his head on a table?”[/color] she offered with a shrug, [color=FFB435]”Can’t give us two death sentences, can they?”[/color] she watched Aamra with the corner of her eye, not sure how their warden might react. Given the council’s interest in Rendyl, a psychic, and now a shapeshifter, that dark corner of her mind where all the paranoid and insane neurons gathered was working overtime, cooking up batshit theories ranging from a fucked-up freakshow to a black-ops strike squad. Unfortunately, she had no idea where to begin either. Besides maybe a place to get cheap used parts, she was completely out of her element.