[center][h1][color=goldenrod]Drakus[/color] & [color=f9ad81]Rendyl[/color][/h1][/center] [b][u]15th day of Anais[/u][/b] [indent][color=orange][i]1 day before the talks[/i][/color] Location: Reason - Harrows Tower, Gardens[/indent] [center][i]A meeting of siblings[/i][/center][hr] In the light of the afternoon, Cedric and Ruel Immolis were in the garden. A little strange, since it would be expected that the two wouldn’t waste any time in preparing for the talks. The garden itself was massive. It was well maintained by those who lived in the tower, and it contained beautiful plants from all around the world in all different colours. There were even some plants that for some reason, could only grow there. It was a breathtaking sight. The two of them had been slowly making their way around, stopping every so often to chat. At that time, Cedric was kneeling on the ground as his brother listened attentively. [color=d8cfbe]“...And then these are [i]mementatoes[/i]. You can tell because of the colour, and then the leaves are-”[/color] Cedric was saying. [color=d8cfbe]"That’s a really stupid name,”[/color]Ruel cut in. [color=d8cfbe]“You can call them [i]fauxracics[/i] if you want.”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“That’s an even [i]stupider[/i] name. If there’s fauxracics, where’s real-racics?”[/color] Cedric swatted at his brother. [color=d8cfbe]“Shut up, Ruel. You’d know this if your ever paid attention in tutoring.”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“You didn’t either!”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“Yes, but I paid attention to mementatoes and used them on my exams. I was deaf for a week straight, though...”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“No dignity, Ced. Isn’t that... illegal?”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“Well, yeah, but-”[/color] [color=d8cfbe]“You broke the law! You’re a criminal! I’m telling Dad!”[/color] Ruel jeered. [color=d8cfbe]“Shut the fuck up, Ruel. He’s dead,”[/color] Cedric said, standing up with a scowl. The beauty of the gardens lent to its own aura of soft tranquillity and serenity, even the wind only dare whisper gently in this space. There was however those who did not respect or observe its natural magic and charm. The flower in Cedric’s hand began to wilt and shrivel. In an instant it’s once proud flourishing beauty faded away. One after another it’s petals fell gently to the floor. Drained of all life and color there was nothing left for it. Having been bombarded and violently assaulted by an invisible heat source it simply curled up, all dried out, and died. [color=goldenrod]“The leaves are bipartite with a fine tooth edge, and unique persistent bud-scale stipules.”[/color] An arrogant voice affirmed, detailing how to identify the fauxracics. It was only after the callous condescending words did the nearing footsteps become apparent, clacking repetitively across the cobblestone path that paved its way through the majestic garden. Each echoing step a force contending with the magical peace of the garden. Threatening and fighting the soft aura of tranquility. [color=goldenrod]“And they really don’t like the heat.”[/color] He added smugly. With Rendyl in tow close behind him, Drakus strode with heavy steps towards his brothers, spite strewn across his smirking face and malice filling the air around him. While his little trick was executed with a seemingly effortless ease, for those less accustomed or gifted in the art, it had been compared as the magical equivalent to pushing a potato through a strainer with your face. To keep the gate invisible, he had opened multiple weak and faint connections. This therefore required A LOT more force and flow to produce the same heat. To top it all off and do so without any motion or concentration was just a blatant display of his aptitude and mastery, something he often liked to remind Cedric of. [color=goldenrod]“And I didn’t even have to encourage illegal trade, consort with a peddler or cheat to know this.”[/color] He added slyly with his wide, taunting, smug smile. Continuing the conversation and bating his older brother. He created a tense pause, prolonging the gap between words as his eyes ran over those he had not seen in many months. He did little to hide the myriad of emotions they caused, but mostly he just looked down upon them like they were a mere inconvenience. [color=goldenrod]“Father was a senile old fool.”[/color] He eventually added. His focus fell completely and disapprovingly over Ruel. [color=goldenrod]“Clearly evident by his later choices.”[/color] Drakus turned to admire the flower patch beside him, sifting a hand through the many flourishing buds, he spoke back without turning. [color=goldenrod]“But Cedric is right. He [i]is[/i] dead. It’s up to you now to make the decisions, ‘little brother’. Let’s start with the confession of guilt you just received, a liar and cheat stands beside you. A ‘criminal’ in your own words. What do you do? What is the just and final decision of the lord of Immolis?”[/color] The look on Cedric’s face was sour. That was all there was to it. There was no other way to describe the sheer displeasure he gave to Drakus the instant he had opened his mouth. His hand instinctively reached for the whip at his side - one that cut through virtually anything, a gift from a foolish father to the weakest son. The jerk made the Akeshan perk up slightly, but little else. Ruel also didn’t seem too happy, but there was more to it. His laughing faded almost instantly. [color=d8cfbe]“Don’t talk to my brother like that,”[/color] Cedric hissed, dropping the wilted flower and then stamping on it. [color=d8cfbe]“Besides, I still failed, so it doesn’t matter, does it? No, I think the real criminal is the bastard who can’t stand being worse than anyone else. You narcissistic [i]bastard[/i], I had better-”[/color] Drakus hated that whip, he hated its touch, he hated the way his brother could wield it but most of all, he hated how it was a gift from his father. Quickly blinking the gate from his eyes he just chuckled, [color=goldenrod]“My my, so full of confessions today, so you’re a cheat and an idiot.”[/color] Ruel tugged on Cedric’s arm. [color=d8cfbe]“Ced, don’t.”[/color] His voice was soft. [color=d8cfbe]“Let’s just go, an’ find Ellie or something…”[/color] His eyes drifted to one of the many entrances, very much wanting to leave. Cedric shrugged him off. [color=d8cfbe]“Two years,”[/color] he continued. [color=d8cfbe]“Two years since you’ve left. And everything is fine. We don’t need you. Fuck, we don’t even want you anymore. You’ve had your shot. You should just give up while you’re ahead.”[/color] He walked up to Drakus, staring him right in the eye. He wasn’t the tallest but he was still in full armour. [color=d8cfbe]“There isn’t room for a fifteenth house here. Try Ashket, and come back later.”[/color] Ruel slowly walked up to where the two were, but still stood a little further back. Rendyl bristled slightly at the insult, but her blank expression was now lost, replaced by a similar expression of contempt for this man. Drakus only leaned further in to meet his brothers stare, matching him eye to eye, looking down at his older sibling, unflinching, unwavering. [color=goldenrod]“Anymore?”[/color] He questioned with a dirty scowl. It was well known amongst them that Drakus hadn’t felt like a ‘wanted’ part of the family for a long time, if ever. [color=goldenrod]“You may not want or need me but your precious Immolis does, Croania does.”[/color] His smile screamed with all the self belief he held for that idea. It was clear that to Drakus it was more than just an ideal, it was part of who he was. [color=goldenrod]“But you are right.”[/color] He said calmly, stepping back. [color=goldenrod]“15 houses is too many.”[/color] And with that, everything seemed to de-escalate even though, somehow, in a way only he could, Drakus made those cold words sound like a final threat. His Askeshan bodyguard felt the tension decrease, yet she took a very slow step to the right out of his shadow. [color=d8cfbe]“Immolis doesn’t give a shit about you playing house,”[/color] Cedric said. [color=d8cfbe]“You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who does. But that’ll just go in one ear and out the other, won’t it?”[/color] Ruel stood ever so slightly behind Cedric, just watching. It seemed that he had noticed Rendyl once she had moved and was regarding her with curiosity. He knew what beastmen were, and had been told all about their inferiority, but he’d never seen one in real life. Actually, her wings were pretty cool, weren’t they? Cedric continued. [color=d8cfbe]“Don’t you dare lay a finger on Ruel, you hear me? I couldn’t care less about what your pathetic lot get up to, but you even [i]think[/i] about threatening my brother again and I’ll have your head, laws be damned.”[/color] The wings Ruel noticed were unfurling slowly, stretching out above and behind her almost lazily while Rendyl held her ground, standing with a semi-relaxed posture. Those feathery appendages came back down to rest close together behind her shoulders. [color=goldenrod]“Ruel!”[/color] Drakus snapped, drawing his attention away from Rendyl. [color=goldenrod]“Remember Bower, and what happened when he bit the blacksmith’s boy?.. keep your pets on a leash less you want to have to put them down. And should you wish to discuss relinquishing your title to lordship prior tomorrow’s meeting, I think I’ll be exploring the town.”[/color] Drakus was about to turn away when he stopped to stare at Cedric once again, [color=goldenrod]“Oh and I would never [i]personally[/i] hurt my [b]younger[/b] brother.”[/color] He hissed at him through a daring smile. Rendyl had yet to make any sort of sound throughout the exchange between Lords, and the mention of controlling pets, she flicked her wingtips and pulled them in slightly, but didn't step back into Drakus's shadow. It was plain she meant for her presence to be [i]known[/i] despite her species. Cedric blinked. His scowl deepened. [color=d8cfbe]“Alright then, I’m killing the bastard,”[/color] he muttered to Ruel, taking a step forward, and Rendyl mirrored the action aggressively. [color=goldenrod]“That’s it!”[/color] Drakus said egging him on. [color=goldenrod]“Ruel, let him do it! Right here, right now, in this garden.”[/color] Drakus dramatically announced evoking all the flair and loud boisterous confidence of his many stage actors from the theatre. As he flung his arms out wide he continued [color=goldenrod]“Let him open up his connection to Anais, let him bare his gifted gate before me, it’s what I deserve, a light refreshing sprinkle!”[/color] Unable to keep up the overdramatic charade any longer, Drakus folded over in laughter. Clearly amused by his own antics and clearly putting it on a little for extra effect. His slave guard stopped beside Drakus, eyes locked onto the pair of Lords threatening her Master. [color=d8cfbe]“No, no, no,”[/color] Ruel whined, desperately trying to pull him back. It wasn’t his strength that won out in the end, but Cedric still stopped. “C’mon, let him do what he wants. Ced, I wanna look at the flowers again.“ [color=d8cfbe]“Not anymore, Rue,”[/color] Cedric replied, his voice considerably softer than before. [color=d8cfbe]“You’ve got to prepare for the talks. And finish up the paperwork from… last month, was it? On Anais, I swear you’re useless.”[/color] Ruel spared a worried glance up at Drakus. [color=d8cfbe]“Not useless.”[/color] [color=goldenrod]“No little brother.”[/color] Drakus agreed. Still wearing the grin at his brothers expense. [color=goldenrod]“Everyone and thing has a use, no one is useless, you’re just not ‘suited’.”[/color] he said assuredly. [color=goldenrod] “You and even Cedric would have a place under my lordship, one where you would have far less paperwork and could play as much as you like. Think about it. But if you wish to carry on with this charade, if the vote comes, do not invite war onto ‘our’ people. Bad things happen to good people during war.”[/color] And with that warning he turned his head to walk away, Rendyl keeping her Lord's brothers in sight as she slowly turned to follow. Ruel and Cedric were silent. The latter looked as if he wanted to say something, but he restrained himself. Ruel stared at the floor, screwing something into the ground with his foot. [color=d8cfbe]“I’m Lord Immolis,”[/color] he mumbled, mainly to himself. He dropped something onto the floor - more crushed up and frozen flower petals to join the others, stamping and shattering them. [color=d8cfbe]“I’m Lord Immolis. Not Ced, not Drakus. It’s me. So…”[/color] Cedric patted him on the back, turning him away from Drakus with a dark look on his face. [color=d8cfbe]“While House Immolis still stands, I swear to you that father made the right choice,”[/color] he said, but he didn’t sound entirely convinced. Not a single Immolis had come out of the succession announcement feeling pleased. Even two years later, it still seemed that way. At least Cedric had the decency to pretend he was fine with it. Drakus caught Rendyl’s eyes as he turned and began to walk away, and she would see what no one else could see. For all that sly, cocky, smugness, the abrasive, cruel, confidence and sheer condescending, arrogance, there was a slither of pain hidden deep down inside. It was there hidden with in his pupils, that crack in his soul, that ache… Having evolved into an unsated rage and malevolence, they both knew that there was only one person here in the entire keep he could safely take it out on and get away with it. So after that tense engagement, having seemingly gained nothing, they went back to his private, empty, quarters.