[right][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjI0ZWQyMS5VR1Z6ZEdsc1pXNTBJRVZ0WlhKaGJHUSwuMAAA/sickness.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjlkYjg3YS5WR2hsSUZCc1lXZDFaV0p5YVc1blpYSSwuMAAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/right] P.E. didn't expect this to be how she'd continue her fight, riding atop a large man that smelled vaguely of sweat and cheetos, but here she was. The zombies definitely picked up as the Golden Guardians pushed out of the library and moved forward. They ran their way down the street, still spearing zombies left and right while infecting tons and tons more, but eventually it became a serious problem for most of the Golden Guardians, who had now left to go and play in different areas of HGO while the remaining ones continued to dwindle. That's... mostly to be expected. A lot of the guardians wore cheeky armor while carrying impractical blades, making them go down easily to the beefed up zombies that assaulted the groups later. After the charge, only about half of the original Golden Guardians made it out. Even then, the numbers were quickly falling due to how immensely strong these zombies were. Hoenstly, the only reason Pestilent and Reddick were probably still standing was due to Pestilent's drone still soaring around the battlefield. It'd definitely been under a lot of pressure, due to how high these zombie kicks flew, but it was quick to dodge and managed to make it through with only a few dents to the metal. The two could hardly relax, though. Reddick's lance was strong, but as the two were spread away from the Guardians Group they didn't really have a lot of room to defend from. Pestilent dropped her deployable shield behind Reddick, and the two got to work trying to stay alive as long as they could. [color=palegoldenrod]"Oi, milady Emerald! How long d'we've 'fore this 'beta test''s ova?"[/color] Reddick's voice was hardly soft, rather he was basically shouting as he kept smashing the side of his lance into waves, knocking the pests away while he kept up the fight. [color=lime]"We're in the last little bit! Gudanko's stream shows that Graphite just fell!"[/color] Pestilent responded quick, her voice still kinda chipper as she realized she outlasted Graphite. Take that, Thea! That's what you get for being so mean to everyone all the time! As Reddick and Pestilent began to get swarmed, the timer on the mode ran out, and the horde fled in a very quick fashion. Pestilent climbed off Reddick as she received the overall scores of the Golden Guardians compared to the other factions. [color=lime]"... third, but mainly due to how many casualties we had. At least I can start drafting a guide."[/color] Pestilent said, smiling to herself before raising her hand for Reddick. [color=lime]"High fives for helping me figure out some solid strats!"[/color] [color=palegoldenrod]"Yeh! 'igh Fives!"[/color] Reddick slapped his hand against Pestilent's before the girl calmly lifted her IRL hood, and began to log out of HGO. [color=lime]"Good job, Reddick. I'll tell the chief you did good today. Might be able to get you a bit higher in the ranks for us by doing so."[/color] Pestilent left that in the air for Reddick to consider before finally logging out, then starting her trek back home. She'd need to get something for dinner, of course, but that shouldn't be hard. The more difficult part was finding it cheap.