[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5XRoFYFa6oLHW/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [color=#556B2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Sinister’s Lair -- Washington D.C. [color=#556B2F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Telepathy -- Binding [/center][hr][hr] [color=#556B2F]”Trying to,”[/color] Luna ground out. She was concentrating extra hard on this one as he was greatly pushing back on her. Miracle upon miracle, she was able to push him back a bit more and keep him straining in position. It seemed he had a great healing factor so doing anything on the outside, was useless. [color=#556B2F]”Spark, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about brain waves would you? Think of the inner workings of a car,”[/color] Luna said, playing on their mutual knowledge about mechanics. [color=#556B2F]”The wires, short circuit him if you can. Nothing we do on the outside will keep him down for long.”[/color] Luna didn’t dare move a step, her complete concentration was on keeping Sabertooth at bay to buy the other two some time in dispatching him. She didn't want to risk stepping forward to use some of her other talents in order to take him down. Luna didn’t even want to try to [b]speak[/b] to him to have him stand down or play dead for all she cared. She remained focused on keeping him in place while the others tried to think of a quick plan. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#FFDAB9]Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/0bb56358d3a8c2dcdeec0ecf16d6188a/tumblr_o58ybso56g1uf2devo5_250.gif[/img][hr] [color=#FFDAB9][b]Location[/b][/color]: Roundabout Gift Shop - JFK Memorial Hospital ---> Van/Road -- Washington D.C. [color=#FFDAB9][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Cayden didn’t linger long either, following after the others to get to the vehicle as quickly as possible. He was barely inside when Sapphire floored it and he fell against whoever was sitting beside him before he could right himself and put on a seat belt. Cayden looked behind him at the spasming Magik and the dying Vulcan in the back. [color=#FFDAB9]”So medical treatment 101 on the move? Or are we waiting until we get back to the Underground?”[/color] There wasn’t much any of them could do about the cop situation other than drive like hell so if there was anything they could do now, Cayden would help, despite him having the urge to push Vulcan out the back and blame faulty locks. Cayden shifted in his seat, facing forward again and untied the leather piece that was holding his hair back and wrapped it around his wrist again, tying it nicely and securing it with his teeth. His pushed his hair back with his hand and let out a breath, leaning back in his seat as the world zoomed by outside his window. What a whirlwind of activity these past few days. Cayden felt like he could sleep for a week due to all the activity and adrenaline rushes he experienced.