Cookie looked on with disgust as the Übermensch continued their strange, bastardly rituals they called a culture. They had come to leech off of the Australian people, who were also, as far as her research could tell her, poor, pale imitations of the proud British nation she had once been a part of. Every day she lamented she would never see the glorious isles, where the sun never set in the empire. The empire had fallen, probably brought down by the disgusting inferior peoples he was currently living with. Cookie had once thought them, descendants of Alexander, true, pure, strong bloodlines. The people of Macedon. Oh, he should have known by their behavior that they were just bloodsuckers of the name and honor the name brought. Why he even saw the money they had stolen, probably from hard-working Aryan folk. Perhaps from the true Macedonian race. Watching them distribute the hard-earned cash from what probably were the blood, sweat, and tears of proud blue-eyed, blonde-haired Aryans, worked Cookie up into a national-socialist fervor. "You sick, twisted, perversions of the human race. God, there is not one day I go without watching you debase every known principle of human decency." Cookie took a pause before she cited Mein Kampf, by the intellectual known as Adolf Hitler, sullied by the liberal and globalist agenda perpetrated by the "Allies", who obviously did not see his genius intellect in the ways she could. "The sacrifice of the individual existence is necessary in order to assure the conservation of the race. Hence it is that the most essential condition for the establishment and maintenance of a State is a certain feeling of solidarity, wounded in an identity of character and race and in a resolute readiness to defend these at all costs. With people who live on their own territory this will result in a development of the heroic virtues; with a parasitic people it will develop the arts of subterfuge and gross perfidy unless we admit that these characteristics are innate and that the varying political forms through which the parasitic race expresses itself are only the outward manifestations of innate characteristics. At least in the beginning, the formation of a State can result only from a manifestation of the heroic qualities I have spoken of. And the people who fail in the struggle for existence, that is to say those, who become vassals and are thereby condemned to disappear entirely sooner or later, are those who do not display the heroic virtues in the struggle, or those who fall victims to the perfidy of the parasites. And even in this latter case the failure is not so much due to lack of intellectual powers, but rather to a lack of courage and determination. An attempt is made to conceal the real nature of this failing by saying that it is the humane feeling." Cookie scoffed before continuing. "So what I am saying is that you should bend the knee, or kill yourselves. It is the only honorable way for you inferior, parasitic peoples to conduct what remains of your pathetic lives. IT IS THE ONLY WAY FOR THE MASTER RACE TO ESTABLISH THE ETHNO STATE THE WORLD DE-, NO NEEDS! I DEMAND YOUR LIFE, FOR THE GLORY OF THE HUMAN RACE!" However, being a dog, her rant only came out in happy barks, and by the end, she was wagging her tail while looking at the Jace matriarch.