[h3][sub]OoC[/sub][/h3] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] One to two paragraphs, often more [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] Nope, schedule's too hectic [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yep. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Honestly I like fish out of water and hypercompetent weirdoes. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Not too fond of mind break stuff. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] He's a GNK droid, made to be replacable/repairable. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Honestly, I just like the idea of a Gonk droid being in a IHNMAIMS scenario. [hider=Manufacturer notes] [b] Identification: [/b] GNK-6565 [b] Series: [/b] GNK-Series Power Droid [b] World of assembly: [/b] [b] Age: [/b] 5 [b] Degree: [/b] Third AI, Fifth Body. [b] Purpose: [/b] Modified Power Droid. [b] Current Owner: [/b] ??? [b] Previous owner(s): [/b] Several factory technicians, convenience store owner Ander Zolurr, a tribe of Jawas. [b] Current Owner Affiliations: [/b] [b] Restraining bolt: [/b] Who would bother restraining a Gonk? [/hider] [hider=Owner’s records] [h3][sub]Short description of the droid.[/sub][/h3] GNK-6565 is typical of his product line in stature and construction. However, he boasts a fresh coat of paint, a number of extra ports on his front, and a set of magnetic feet modules likely intended for some model of astromech. [h3][sub]Details on programming and hardware modules.[/sub][/h3] GNK-6565 is, in a word, chimeric. Sure, his externals and most of his interior are 100% Gonk. But he has an AI better suited for a Protocol droid than a Power droid, and has been equipped with a number of spare memory banks. Additionally, a rudimentary toolkit akin to that of a bargain bin Astromech has been inserted into his slightly elongated chassis. [h3][sub]Personality analysis and details on memory wipe patterns.[/sub][/h3] GNK-6565 is unusually intelligent for a Gonk Droid. He possesses a 1st-degree equivalent AI, likely intended for another model. He is painfully aware of the disparity between the agility of his mind and body, and is prone to philosophic monologues. However, he’s damned to his iron prison- he has no vocabulator, and he must gonk. [h3][sub]Modifications from base model.[/sub][/h3] To his credit, 6565 has a leg up over his counterparts in terms of functionality. His front compartment has been modified with compartments similar to an Astromech, including a number of probes, medical instruments, and an electroshock probe backed up by the batteries of a power droid. He also possesses a set of magnetic feet, allowing him to stick to the hull of ships. [h3][sub]Design flaws and fields of limited use.[/sub][/h3] Gonk Droids are slow, bulky, and clumsy. They have no vocabulators, and have trouble with anything requiring range of motion in the legs. On top of this, 6565 suffers from frequent existential crises. [h3][sub]Purpose for droid.[/sub][/h3] To recharge batteries and help two engineers keep a job. [h3][sub]Past achievements and failures.[/sub][/h3]Constructed and modified as part of a race to meet quotas, sold at market. Electrocuted a boarder on a doomed cruise vessel. Brief tenure as mascot of a pirate crew. Sold at impound auction. [/hider] [hider=Droid history] [h3][sub]Droid history.[/sub][/h3] GNK-6565 exists entirely because two mechanics working on an Industrial Intelligence assembly line had an odd lot of leftover parts. There were a number of single parts for various droids- a behavior core from a Protocol Droid, the toolkit from an Astromech, and the sturdy body- and most of the internals- of a GNK-series Power Droid. Wanting to finish their shift, they shoved it all together and called it a day. They assumed it would be caught in inspection and either slagged or dismantled and put into regular parts, and things would go on as normal. However, to their surprise, it was shipped off as part of a bulk shipment of power droids. GNK-6565 performed admirably in his capacity as an astromech and power droid- however, he quickly began to notice the problems with his shell. His frantic gonking was incomprehensible, leaving him to try and work things out among an increasingly confused crew. His meditations were disturbed, however, by the invasion of a crew of pirates. When one attempted to knock him over for a laugh, he snapped. GNK-6565 insists that he only intended to use the electroshock probe to stun the aggressor- however, the powerful shock of a power droid pumping electricity knocked the pirate off his feet. Impressed by the droid's tenacity, and laughing at their crewmate's misfortune, the pirates took him back to their ship as a sort of mascot. Later, as often happens, the pirates made a mistake and let themselves be recognized at port. Their goods confiscated, GNK-6565 was impounded and sold at auction, where his current owner purchased him. [/hider] [h3][sub]Date and time of last memory wipe.[/sub][/h3] Unknown- Most people don't really wipe Power Droids. [h3][sub]Link to owner data files:[/sub][/h3]