[@BrokenPromise] Elite force is a bit much. And I do think that when you specify quantity and link it to a title like "Advanced" while saying that lesser quality is expected of the categories that write less, then yeah, there's going to be an association with that section as where "the best of the best" go to write. And in the case you mentioned, then yeah, that's cool, but then you have to go into the conversational section of the writing which is where the bloat I was talking about comes from. I feel like if you have to write constantly when there's not much to say, then you're setting yourself up to practice Purple Prose. Though I do think that you can very easily integrate that kind of lore in a Casual RP. And I'm gonna reiterate that this isn't meant to shit on you for liking what you like, just a means to have a discussion over an opinion I figure would be controversial that I want to talk about. [@Inkarnate] Mm, I think you're going a little extreme. Rather than being a minimalist or maximalist, why not adopt either or depending on the context? This isn't me saying that long always equals bad. As you said, it's okay when there's a [i]need.[/i] It's more that when you label a section where the expectation is that you have paragraphs upon paragraphs per post, people are inevitably going to be focus on minutia to follow those guidelines, whether it leads them to improve their writing or not. By associating such a format with Advanced, you are implying that it's better than the other categories. In a conversation, I do a think a paragraph is good enough because you can add a lot of subtletys into your characters' actions to develop them without spelling everything out for your partner. There's not much to be gained from constant deliberation in what should be a naturally flowing encounter. [@Penny] Yeah, that seems like a smart workaround. I had it drilled into my head that taking control of another person's character is SINFUL so I forget about that as possibility.