Hell held no surprises for the Karn, he'd seen it on the faces of his people; the inhabitants of the dismal last free city. Their scarred and weary faces weathered with the stress of life under constant siege by not only your enemies but even those you had come to trust who would sell you out for pocket change. Midian, the last glowing ray of hope to the weary, was truly a cesspool of disgust and putridity. Gambling halls and bars on every street, prostitutes and junkies littering the sidewalk around every corner, drug dens spanning whole tenements and run by the various mafia groups that had set up shop in the bustling ruin they called freedom. Freedom to pay the Union to live, to feed the corporate monster regardless of their efforts. Freedom to live outside their rule while their monopolies bankrupt our people. She's a beautiful city in how confidently hideous she is. Extros wove through the packed streets, the sprawling structures and buildings of the city blotting out the very sun with the haphazard constructs shading the street level completely in the attempt to compensate the overpopulation that had begun as more naive refugees fled to the doomed concrete hellscape. Ex adjusted the mask he wore to disguise his distinctive Karnethian features as he made his way to the bar of his mentor, Old Tom. The neon glow washed over him as Extros rounded the corner to the dingy pub and he went inside. The bell chimed above the door as Extros walked though and the aged barkeep slowly turned then gestured at him to step to the bar. "You know that last job barely got me any credits Tom, what's with the slow run lately? You know I can handle more than this and keep giving me this garbage, what's going on?" Extros grunted at his teacher and pulled the mask away. "Yeah, I know, but what do you expect when they want the victims of one of your bounties to talk and you weld their jaw shut again?" Tom snapped, his salt and pepper mustache bristling, "You don't get jobs because you're reckless and sloppy!" "That was one time and it wasn't a bounty... That one was personal..." He muttered "One time or twelve times it's still too far Ex! Lucky for your brainless ass I have a plan to keep you in line." Tom sneered at Extros, grinning almost maliciously "You've been drafted boy, the hunter's guild wants us to put together a unit for special missions and since your solo act keeps ending with unnecessary force they can keep an eye on you instead of me having to cover your ass!" Extros sat quietly across the bar, not daring to interrupt the old man's tirade while his face sunk lower and lower with each word Tom spoke. For his entire 11 year career Extros had never even fathomed outside help on a job let alone babysitters to make sure he didn't get too rough with them, the concept alone baffled the Karn as he attempted to discern what had prompted such ridiculous efforts to keep him in line! His astonishment quickly faded to anger as realization set in, black veins began to creep across the sclera of his eyes as he attempted to restrain himself from his kind's inherited rage. Finally after a long moment of silence he spoke. "Fine but if they aren't up to the job they go back to clean up duty like you've been running me the past few weeks." [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/5e/5f/0c5e5f6dfea2f5ac0dc9d119dfd76eb1.jpg[/img] Tom nodded and Extros turned away from the bar, glancing up at the advertisement board, sure enough there posted as of three days prior was a flashing guild notorized listing on the dusty old screen with his name neatly scrawled on the projection. Turning from the board he scanned the room, attempting to seek out potential candidates that seemed as though they would sign up. "Glass of scotch if you would please Tom," Extros called out without taking his eyes off the acquired crowd,"and keep 'em coming, I might be here a while and so help me if a single piece of ice touches my glass I'm shoving the nearest pool cue up someone's nose." (Later that night a particularly obnoxious patron did get the pool cue up the nose but no one ruined his scotch, the guy was just a dick and felt up a waitress.)