[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F3E010]Theresa Sparks[/color] and [color=639A5E]Frederick Flynn[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][center][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/XkPHhF7kdiiUE/source.gif[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/75939d6095672aa90e2feeb5d893cc7e243b18c9/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f61464f6f452d74534b454c7358513d3d2d3333363839343730362e313438393533393739396363393534323130303638393636363635332e676966[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][color=F3E010][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Common Room - the Hub [color=639A5E][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [color=F3E010]Flight[/color][/center][hr] [color=F3E010]"...Ah, okay, guess that makes some sense then,"[/color] Sparky said, nodding her head slightly as Raynor explained how he knew Deadpool. A lot of what Raynor did wasn't exactly all too surprising, as he had been around for a while. Though the fact that he had crossed paths with Deadpool once before was a bit weird, even taking that into account. Like what were the odds that he just so happened to know the guy who was causing all of the problems for them and being more then a little bit annoying. [color=639A5E]"...Don't dwell on it all too much Bonnie,"[/color] Flynn muttered under his breath to her, not really wanting to talk about it all too much, and having seen her expression when Cass had said something about it. He personally didn't want to dwell on the thought all too much, and right now they definitely had bigger issues to deal with besides that and Novikova clearly being more then a little bit tipsy. Some people were such light weights clearly, as Deadpool stole all the presents and took off. [color=639A5E]"Well this is something that was partially expected, and I mean that by pointing out that it is Deadpool of all people. Also, do you really think posting something on [i]Twitter[/i] is going to get him to come out of hiding? Well whatever, he referenced his "one true love" who apparently he really cares about noticing him, anything on social media relating to that? If you insult the person or whatever it might get his attention, just saying though, no promises on that though."[/color] She was more then a little bit surprised that Raynor seemed to feel so strongly at getting the presents back from Deadpool. He had seemed like he wasn't too thrilled to be doing anything regarding the holiday, but now he clearly wanted to go after him. [color=F3E010]"Alright, if you say so Ray,"[/color] she said, nodding her head to also acknowledge what Tinley had said before she grabbed onto Raynor and took off into the air, going through the hole in the ceiling. At first, she didn't really see Deadpool, but she noticed that he seemed to have left the building entirely and was gone outside. [color=F3E010]"Any ideas Ray?"[/color] she asked him.