[hider=The Sealing of Nuxta][center][h1]The Gaian Struggle Against the Dark Continues..[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP4eWOEnY9Y[/youtube][/center] "We will try our best. Though we lost many to apprehend the one with lightning!" The scout said. Knowing time was of the essence the scout went to relay the message to the Queen. Breaking the sound barrier with her speed. Once reaching the Queen and delivering the message the woman solemnly looked to the swirling skies, the rattling of the earth, and the parting of the seas. She sighed deeply. She turned to the scout with a proud smile. "[color=green]I have another message for you to send Sophia. I want her to finally come down from her high mountain and join our council. For when the next King and Queen of Gaia is chosen I will want my final act to bestow us with her wisdom... Let her know the Queen of Gaia will defend her."[/color] With that said the scout left to soon return to Sophia. Entering from the clouds above were hordes of wyverns all flying below the swirling clouds high above. The Gaian soldiers all mounted on their own dragons or flying with their own wings saw these dragons and took a defensive stance midair. Their Queen above them on her shining diamond scaled dragon. Her own scales and the armor made from a similar dragon reflected the ominous light from the storm clouds flashing. Rain mixed with the snow of the mountain and the debris of battle washed over the dragons and the Gaians alike. Even Sophia and the structure she held Nuxta in was coated in snow and icy rain. But above all the others was a massive wyvern, a size similar to the two titan dragons who battled earlier and even made Sophia seem like a dwarf. It's huge wings opened the storm clouds and carried them with it underneath. Lightning rain and tornadoes whirled in a chaotic cascade. All to harm the Gaian army that worked in unison to withstand the onslaught. Shelling in stone casings they were able to effortlessly levitate around them like free hand giant shields. When the wyverns descended and began breathing flames to incinerate the soldiers they retaliated with shield coverage and spearing. Their own dragons matching some of the breath attacks and clawing their foes. But unfortunately the wyverns were far more savage. A soldier being gripped by the jaws of a few smaller wyverns and torn in half. A larger wyvern gripping a soldier and their much smaller dragon and crushing them both in its talons. Blood flowing into the winds. The Queen of Gaia pursued the massive Wyvern with a group of elite dragoons. All with their own ruby, sapphire and emerald jeweled dragons going at high speeds. They remained above it to avoid the storm its wings brought. Nothing was above them but storm and nothing below them was storm. This was truly a sky war none could see from below. Allo Niscent brought her spear to her side before plunging it into the back scales of the wyvern. Though she was able to cut a few inches into the scales it was not enough to draw blood. She gritted her teeth at her ineffectiveness. "[color=green]Stop the wings! Eliminate the storm![/color]" She shouted. The three others with her turned to the wings. Two on each wing. Together with their dragons they hacked into the wings, again barely able to remove some scales. But now was visibly an open, yet narrow point in which to try and harm the wings. [color=green]"Leave this to me."[/color] The Queen raised her spear before her and a ripple in reality opened as she speared into it. The same ripple appeared over the opening. Blood came gushing out from the wound, her spear's blade coming through the ripple. The blood was sign of success. She repeated this with twisting potions to dig a sizable hole and eventually rip a hole through the wing, not enough to stop it but a fresh wound like this was enough to get the beast's attention. The giant Wyvern roared. In response the smaller wyverns came to it's aid. The Queen's special elite Dragoons came to defend her. Spearing the wyverns and tossing them away to fall to their dooms. The Queen sighed. "[color=green]It's not stopping..."[/color] The Dragon she rode looked up at her and grunted gently. She placed a free hand on its head and pet her. It was as if nothing was of concern for a moment, as she smiled and softly spoke. "[color=green]I know.. I have no choice but to.. For my son.[/color]" She hugged her dragon and soon the sound barrier broke and she was off. Flying faster than the massive wyvern and reaching it's snout. She twirled leaving behind a spiral of cloud trails before doing so. "[color=green]You ferals refused to accept our offerings. Only selfishly taking what you can from your small spaces. We offered you peace and to become one with us! Now I've no choice but to stop you! You'll doom the entire world Nuxta is evil![/color]" She shouted with all she had. The Wyvern's giant eyes gazed upon her but nothing more. [color=green]"Fine..."[/color] She began to plummet down, way down, below the clouds above the mountain and into the mountain's side. [color=green]"Sorry Sophia. I hope this doesn't harm the seal."[/color] Emerging from the raw materials of the mountain was a giant form of the Queen. It moved like her and all. It began to levitate above the mountain now and was equal in size to the giant wyvern. Boulders fell from pieces of the moving statue but despite their size the statue did not lose mass at all. Instead over time it refined itself more and more. Tornado dust clouds massive in scale whirled around its body, taking boulders with it. The chaos continued. Had it not been for Gaia's Royal soldiers being the mightiest of descendants the swarm of Wyverns would of have been over whelming. None could imagine the horror of seeing countless men and women be slaughtered by dragons just the same as they were slaughtering them. Blood began to permeate the clouds they fought in. Giving them a menacing pink hue. The massive Dragon, which could only be assumed as the leader due to its size and mastery of storms. The cloudy mountain tops were given excessive amounts of mist and lightning. It was a true storm of war. It was only the fists of solid earth colliding against the wyvern's belly could give the growing storms pause. The clash could be heard through out Gaia. In the midst of the clash was the Queen. Emerged from the massive statue of her form and ran down its arm length. She had no choice but to slay a few dragons entering her range. Their numbers were only dwarfed by their tenacity. She had no time to sing a song and command them to her will. If it were even possible. Their leader was her target and only after the demise of this dragon could the others be possibly be scattered and later tamed. Or so she thought. If not they would be further fodder for the Fotians to mercilessly hunt down. Dragons were worth more than that to her and Gaians. So. She fought against them with all she had. Out of respect. Allo elegantly launched herself with a blast of stone and air to whirl herself into a light spin. While midair she was pursued by further wyverns. She was pleased to see her Dragon Diamante devour these smaller wyverns with ease and give her a ride on its back. "Thank you Dia. Now try to fly easy. I need concentration." She hugged her beast and began to control the giant flying statue of her. Now removed from it she had no fear of going berserk with it. It began to crack from the pressure. The pressure of the statues body wrapping its arms around the Wyverns neck and trying to bring it down. A few strikes to its jaw for good measure. They were heading to the mountain side and crashed with a massive earthquaking crash. The earth began to open up beneath the mountain. Leaping from it was a massive dragon. The waters bubbled up with a massive multi headed hydra. It seemed like the end of the world as the gods of chaos began to appear. The wild dragons that still ruled the unclaimed territories with fear. The rubble of the crash, a crater in the side of the mountain now bigger than before made with the massive wyvern covered with rubble. The mist of the storm clouds and dust enveloped its entire form. But its tail and clawed hind legs were sticking out. Without movement one could assume it was dead. "Now... It's time we took care of the others.." The Queen looked through the horde of storms and saw the massive shadows of the Hydra twist and turning in the thunder and lightning and below a colossal viper crawling up the mountain's side. "If all else fails..." She pulled a necklace beneath her armor. It held a glowing green stone. "I'll have to rely on the Dragon Temple's power..." She spiraled through the winds to return to the mass of her soldiers still combating the wyverns. Immediately her scouts returned to her despite the spiraling clouds all around them, high winds and lighting flashing only a handful of meters away. In their hearts they knew their Queen was the one who was doing the most to aid them. All the soldiers knew, even the citizens who sat safely at home. Watching from afar at the rumbling war far and above.[/hider] [hider=Wyrm King][center][h1]The Wyrm King[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsvzP8EO65w[/youtube][/center] Before the Queen could speak the sky roared even louder than the storms. It opened to reveal a beautiful array of massive wyrms flying with various elemental auras. One above them all was golden. White horns and long flowing hairs. All around it the chaos vanished. Clouds once black now turned white and the sky which was practically red turned blue as it passed. It immediately flew down to where Nuxta and Sophia was. It whirled around their position for a moment before looking down at Sophia, a small Dragon compared to its size. "You betray your own kind with this act... Though you may not know why." The other wyrms around it began to fly around, undoing the chaos of the storms. The wyverns that remained began to flee. The Hydra was visible and the basilisk was too. They all were before Sophia. "Nuxta is a natural enemy to our kind. However. He has offered us a return to our rightful seats as Gods of this world. In return we will help him erase the descendants who defy our will." His voice was calm.. deep but loud. Like gentle thunder. Sophia knew that the Gaians lost many warriors fighting against the previous opponent, she knew that more would fall before all that could end. No matter how hard she tried, no matter what she did, it was simply unavoidable. The moment she heard those lines from the scout, sadness overcame her expression. Looking to the scout with a worried expression, she gently nodded as the scout departed. Just as the scout had her duty to perform though, Sophia had hers. She knew she had to contain Nuxta, otherwise that battle would be over in a second. When the scout came back, bringing a message from the queen, Sophia smiled, knowing that Queen Allo wasn't like the previous rulers which made Sophia close herself from the rest of the world. Maybe... Just maybe, the Descended were finally walking the correct path, in the short future, Sophia wondered if she would be able to open the Great Library to the world once again. It did take a long time, but Sophia was finally finished with the seals. The sheer pressure coming from the obscene amount of curses and seals coming from the crater was almost oppressive. From the most basic barrier to the most powerful, ancient and forgotten curses and seals Sophia knew, intertwined one with another, she hoped it would be able to hold Nuxta. Even though she knew that Nuxta was a strong opponent, she didn't knew exactly the extension of his powers and even though she was confident in her magic and her own power, she feared for the worse. Still, she shouldn't let the Queen and her warriors to fight alone. She would still keep an eye on the seals the casted and would be ready to rush if they started to break, but it was time to show Queen Allo and the other Gaian warriors that the faith they put into Sophia wasn't for nothing. The scene unfolding before Sophia was worrying. Hordes and hordes of wyverns and wild dragons flew below the clouds as the gaian soldiers, despite the overwhelming opponent they were facing, stood strong, mounted on their dragons together with their queen, doing everything they could despite being focused by a massive wyvern, wielding lightning and tornadoes as it's weapons. Even though the warrior's bravery was commendable, the wyverns were far more savage in their attacks. Together with her elite warriors, the Queen herself went after the titanic Wyvern, attacking him with a powerful attack from her spear, which resembled the technique Sophia herself used. Fortunately, her strike was accurate, ripping a big hole into the big wyvern's wings, enough to get it's attention. After her words were ignored by the wyvern, Queen allo finally showed her true power. The mountain trembled and Sophia felt the chains and seals she used to trap Nuxta rattle dangerously as a giant emerged from it, matching in size with the titanic wyvern. [color=0054a6]"I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything to prevent all this..."[/color] Sophia said to herself with an overwhelming sadness as she watched the scene unfolding before her. Both descended and dragons slaughtering themselves, their blood raining on the battlefield below, almost as if the clouds themselves were bleeding. Despite her sadness, Sophia had already steeled her heart and resolve. She knew that sacrifices would need to be made in order to avoid the worst outcome. If needed, Sophia was ready to become a monster and a demon in order to protect the children that were fighting for her. When a gigantic hydra emerged from beneath the mountain, Sophia began flying towards the queen and her warrior in order to aid them. The seals were still holding strong despite all the chaos too. Much to Sophia's dismay, even worse enemies were to approach the battlefield. From the sky they appeared, many elemental wyverns, from many colors roared, coming down to the battlefield. The most majestic one, with golden scales, white horns and flowing hairs flew down towards where Sophia was, before she could further approach the queen. [color=0054a6][i]"Please, be well..."[/i][/color] Sophia silently wished as she got ready to deal with them. As she was surrounded by the elemental wyverns, with the Hydra and the basilisk before her, the golden wyvern began talking and branding her a traitor. Despite their difference in size, Sophia was still a tremendously powerful dragon and wasn't intimidated by the enemies standing before her. [color=0054a6]"You sided with evil in order to feed your own arrogance and greed! You fools, don't you see what is happening?"[/color] Sophia roared back, the pressure from her aura growing as she talked. [color=0054a6]"You go against the natural flow of the world, threatening to upset the very balance of magic and end everything just so you can fulfill your greed and arrogant dreams of being gods! We were here long before the Descended. We should teach them, help them to develop themselves and guide them! Instead, you're trying to simply treat them as slaves, cattle or kill them!"[/color] she continued. [color=0054a6]"Nuxta is an evil that must be dealt with, don't you see? What do you expect to achieve by siding with Nuxta? What he offers you is nothing but an illusion, a lie! Didn't you learn that with the past? You all should know what the Descended are capable of, you should know very well! They deserve as much respect as you as dragons do!"[/color] she continued, her voice echoing through the skies as she roared. [color=0054a6]"Let me ask you one simple thing... For you, what is a god? What is a king? What is their purpose, the reason for their existence? Most importantly... who do they [i]serve[/i]?"[/color] Sophia asked, her voice assuming a gentle tone as she asked those questions. With a piercing stare towards the golden wyvern, she waited for it's answer. The wyrm before Sophia waved with the winds which began to settle more and more as the minutes went by. It listened to her well, thier booming dragonic voices hard to miss even amidst thunder. "What is a God? A King? WE THE DRAGONS ARE THE EPITOMY OF GOD HOOD OF WORSHIP!" It roared with a ferocious anger. The sun's rays shining through the clouds and upon the two dragons who spoke. "We serve none! We are the balance! Before descended... NO... BEFORE THE ACCURSED SERAPHIM WE HELD THE BALANCE WITH OUR POWER!" He snarled. "We fed from the earth, sky and sea! We bred in it, gave birth and were born in the balance of this world. We were feared because of our gifts to commune with the world's chaotic flows. Yet now.. as the descended's creations grow what's left of the world scales too far towards our total demise!" It looked to the completed seal on Nuxta. "This seraphim has chosen to look past the servitude we made his people undergo long ago. So we are willing to look past his bloodline and see the ultimate goal we both share. To eliminate the descended and return this entire world back to its original state. Together we will breed a new kind who will live within our rule and forge an everlasting peace between seraphim and dragon kind." As the wyrm spoke its final sentence the sun's rays seemed to cover it like an aura. Soon its body was enveloped in this light. "We are all willing to sacrifice our hatred for the sins of the past to begin a new age. Any harm done to this scrap of a remaining world can be reversed with our combined might. With your help Sophia we will see our dream come true sooner." Its body began to shrink while under the intense light. Soon the Wyrm's body was much smaller and the light it shined with was like the sun. [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/554736852230209548/635327723127963658/WyrmRuler.png[/img] [i]The light faded. But its brilliance was not lost. The form was almost like an arrangement of jewels turned into a living statue. It stood with skin of a similar hue to the sky. It looked to Sophia now. "For the first time I have taken a descendant's form. I know you have too. You share a connection with their kind. I assume it's due to your fondness for knowledge. What they can teach you will pale in comparison to what we can learn... Together." He watched for Sophia's reaction. Floating in the air as if weightless.[/i][/center][/hider] [hider=Devour] [center][h1]Devour[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGIu6-WtwEs[/youtube][/center] As Sophia spoke with the Wyrm the giant Basilisk made its way to the magical seal Sophia developed around Nuxta. "I can feel your power echoing even from within here. But you've already told me. You hold the keys to truth... those who defy you are merely using a lie." The Basilisk's voice was smooth and feminine. It's mouth opened wide and emerging from its jaws was the form of a giant woman. The Basilsik Queen returned to her lover. Caressing the seals with her hands. She leaned into it and kissed it. The spot where her lips laid forming the ice into a brittle stone over time. "So much work was put into keeping you in. But now you have me and no one can stop us." Dragons of all kinds flew around the mountain now. Screeching and roaring in a frenzy. [color=0054a6]"Empty words from an empty husk... A King is nothing without it's subjects, it lives to [i]serve[/i] them. Just as a god exists thanks and [i]for[/i] those who believe in it."[/color] Sophia said, shaking it's head in disappointment after hearing the gold wyvern's words. [color=0054a6]"To return the world to it's original state... Then what? Will you also try to keep the world from spinning, stop time from flowing? Nuxta is using you, using your endless greed and pride."[/color] Sophia repeated the gold wyvern's words, hissing towards him. Even though she was holding her own temper as the gold wyvern spoke, the second he said he was willing to sacrifice his hatred before turning into his descendant form, she couldn't hold herself anymore. [color=0054a6]"IT WAS YOUR HATRED THAT STARTED ALL THIS BACK IN THE GREAT WAR!!"[/color] Sophia roared menacingly. Her roar shaking the very air around her as it echoed through the battlefield. [color=0054a6]"Many of the descended have our blood running inside their veins! Don't you know the reason why they are called 'descended'? They are a new race, still learning how to walk on this earth, still discovering it's secrets! You should be guiding and teaching them! We dragons have lived for much longed than they have, we walked through this earth long before they did! It is our job to guide them and teach them how to live in harmony with the land, it's magic and themselves! If they turned this way, we have no one to blame but ourselves!"[/color] She said, the anger in her voice still clear. As the gold wyvern assumed his descended form, Sophia looked at him as he spoke to her. It was an unspoken rule of the dragonkin that one should retribute the gesture of turning into it's descended form if another dragon did so, as they were in their most vulnerable state like that. [color=0054a6]"You want me to take my descended form, despite being surrounded by enemies... Don't you respect even the ancient, unspoken customs of the dragons?"[/color] Sophia asked, disgust clear in her voice. [color=0054a6]"The descended are still a young race. They still have time to right their wrongs. It is not too late for us to teach them, as we should have done in the past..."[/color] Sophia said, looking at him. [color=0054a6]"It is not too late to stand by the descended's side not as a tyrannical ruler or a god, but as a teacher, a guide, a father. They have much to learn and we are the only ones able to teach them. Don't turn your back on them. They are still children, walking through this world without knowing it's truth..."[/color] Sophia said. [color=0054a6]"No matter how many times you try, even if you succeed in going against the flow of time itself, story is bound to repeat iself, lest you change your ways. Just like I did mine."[/color] she finished, looking at the golden wyvern. Before the Sophia could say anything more though, she noticed a disturbance on the seals she had put around Nuxta. Immediately looking to the place where she had sealed him, she saw the Basilisk queen nearby the ice pillar. Descended words weren't able to accurately describe the roar Sophia gave when she looked at the Basilisk queen and the ice pillar where Nuxta was. It was an almost feral roar, made of pure hatred and anger as she used her breath to send a beam of heat towards the basilisk queen. Unlike others she had used before, this one was much more concentrated. Despite being thinner than the others, the sound it made when she fired was almost as if the sky itself was crying upon being cut by it. She couldn't let the basilisk queen undo the seals... Nuxta should stay inside the pillar. Anyone who tried to free him would meet Sophia's wrath. Just as Sophia was to strike with her sky piercing aura the smaller form of the Golden Wyrm darted before her. With a shining golden flame it effectively reduced the beam to shattered sparkling ice particles. The body of the Wyrm shined brightly with the flames slowly vanishing around it's body. It removed it's arms from the X formation it was in to block the beam. The remaining ice on its arms shattered in the flames and scattered into the sky. "You have no right to speak. You who have hidden away from these descendants living alone. While your dragonic brothers and sisters were slaughtered, enslaved and used by these descendants. A war with them is inevitable. You are simply prolonging their delusions of righteousness." The seal Nuxta was encased in was rapidly turning into stone. The Basilisk Queen did not even seem to notice Sophia above. Infatuated she was by the thought of reuniting with her godly lover. [color=0054a6]"OUT OF MY WAY!"[/color] Sophia roared as the golden wyrm blocked her attack and standing in front of her. [color=0054a6]"What could YOU understand about educating and teaching? You see yourself as a god, I see only a child fighting with other children!"[/color] Sophia roared again, looking at the seal that was keeping Nuxta trapped, slowly being destroyed thanks to the Basilisk Queen. [color=0054a6]"My desire to not participate in that foolish and childish war of yours against the descended has nothing to do with my duty to teach and guide them! Look at the monks who live nearby my temple! Look at the Gaians and how they respect me even though I secluded myself from the rest of the world! You say they can't learn? Open your eyes and see how wrong you are."[/color] Sophia finished, with energy gathering into her jaws once more, as she prepared another shot, just as deadly as the one the golden wyrm had blocked. [color=0054a6]"Last warning, if you stand in front of me once more, I won't hesitate to kill you."[/color] Sophia shouted as she used her small frame and superior agility compared to other dragons to fly around the Golden Wyrm, sending another shot towards the Basilisk Queen while immediately getting ready to maintain the seal with her own magic power. Sophia was swift. But she was distracted. While she aimed to the mountain's edge where Nuxta's seal laid being undone she did not notice the hydra whom emerged from the waters earlier was now closer to Nuxta as well. One of its many heads unleashed a stream of water that left a rainbow trail beneath the bright sun which seemed to grow brighter. Encircling Sophia's drenched form as it recovered were several water nymphs. They all were laughing in a joyous way. One however spoke to Sophia with a warm motherly tone. She was a bit larger than the others and had sea weeds for hair. "You're already beaten." She said calmly whilst floating in the air. Another spoke with a young woman's voice. " They rule the natural order y'know." It danced off. Another spoke with a younger voice that of a young girl and was smaller than the others. "Nuxta was summoned by the descendant's countless atrocities." Then the other came back around, it was clear now. They were encircling Sophia and singing while doing so. Attempting to distract her. "Nuxta's toxic presence is the end result of the descendant's pollution. Once he had ended them all will return to a perfect balance." Then they all spoke at once. "And the rest of the world will be restored. That is our message from the great Queen Hydra." Before vanishing into water vapors. There were a lot of things happening at that moment. Not only Sophia had to worry about the golden wyrm, but the basilisk queen was also slowly undoing her seals in order to free Nuxta. Not only that, but Nuxta's forces were still fighting against the Gaians and Sophia didn't knew for how long they would be able to hold. No matter how wise and calm Sophia was, when the Hydra suddenly appeared, once again making an obstacle between her and the basilisk queen, she became one step closer of enraging. Why Nuxta had so many allies? What he did, what had he said to poison so many creatures' thoughts and make them go against the natural order of things...? As the many water nymphs continued to talk and laugh, Sophia finally had enough. With an enraged roar, she fully unleashed her aura. The sheer amount of primal mana contained in it, coupled with her could be considered more of an attack itself than simply her unleashing her aura. Just as the nymphs had said previously, Nuxta was a poison, a toxin, contaminating and corrupting everything it touched until nothing remained. The Nymphs, the Hydra, the golden wyrms and the others... They were already corrupted by Nuxta. Sophia no longer cared about their lives. If she had to spill blood in order to stop Nuxta, so be it. If the Hydra queen, the golden wyrm and the nymphs would stand between her and the basilisk queen, then they were also enemies. Unfortunately, time was something she didn't have. Every second that passed, the seals she used to trap nuxta were being dissolved by the basilisk queen. Sophia's lone struggle was seen from afar by the Gaian soldiers who were regrouping. Their forces were much smaller now while the dragon horde, though not attacking, were swelling. Even the ocean bubbled from the life within. It was lookin even worse than before. Then to make matters worse the ice was now entirely stone and the stone began to crack. The seals breaking as the physical stone was even more brittle than the ice. The aura of darkness seeped from out of its cracks. A power almost hidden within Nuxta, once felt upon his casting of minor spells now erupting like a breaking dam. The black aura oozed from the cracks as they grew more and more numerous. Then two black wings emerged from the stone sending debris flying as they burst out. The rest of the stone then cracked in thousands of ways and crumbled down. Revealing Nuxta in his full armor standing atop the rubble. His eyes beneath his helmet were glowing a menacing hue of orchid and red. His pure black armor glistened in the sunlight. The Dragons all around roared in excitement. Nuxta however stood in place. He then turned to see Sophia in all her anguish. "The Grimorium Verum." He said calmly. But loud enough to be heard above the cries of the Dragons. The Basilisk Queen approached Nuxta by way of crawling. Despite her descendant form she still moved like a serpent and hugged her masters feet. Looking up to him longingly. He truly seemed to have the feral Dragons under his command. "It is a part of the greater whole. The balance. But now I will bring about a new balance! Do what you must. Bring me the Grimorium Verum!" The Dragons in their swelling hordes cried out before swarming the skies to encounter the artifact. Nuxta now looked to the Golden Wyrm now turned descendant. "I trust you will make it happen. Wyrm King." The King now bowed to Nuxta and turned to Sophia to watch her movements. "It is time then..." Said the Wyrm King. Sophia watched hopelessly as all her efforts to seal Nuxta were shattered by the Basilisk Queen and Nuxta's allies. All the seals she used, started breaking, one by one as the ice turned into stone and began cracking. She could just watch as Nuxta once again, was free. With a revolting aura, Nuxta emerged from the remains of what was once a frozen prison. His black aura was almost nauseating for Sophia, overwhelming in both darkness and power. But the worse part was yet to come... The second Nuxta opened his mouth, Sophia's eyes opened wide as she began growling towards the dragons and Nuxta. She was surrounded by all sides by Nuxta's allies as he proffered three words that made even Sophia's blood run cold through her veins. He wanted the Grimorium Verum... Sophia couldn't even imagine of what he would be able to do if he got succeeded in capturing and separating the Grimorium Verum from her soul, killing her. He was already overwhelmingly powerful but if he had that as well... Then he would be unstoppable. [color=0054a6]"RUN! GET AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS YOU CAN!"[/color] Sophia roared towards the Gaian Queen and her allies. She knew that she couldn't let Nuxta take her, but she couldn't simply run away, leaving thousands of Gaians to die in her place... Without waiting for a reply from the Gaians or an action from the Wyrm King and the others on Nuxta's side, Sophia fired another beam from her mouth as she roared. Instead of the same concentrated breath from before, it was much more chaotic and less controlled. It was a display of pure anger, rage and raw power. It was a clear sign of a dragon going berserk, proving that even the wise Sophia could lose her temper. Moving her maw, the beam moved from one side to another, hitting anything who wasn't fast enough to get out of it's way as she flew up in a blinding speed, trying to deal as much damage and take down as many of Nuxta's allies as she could. After a moment, she looked down from above the clouds, firing another beam from her maw. Several rifts began to appear in a sphere, pointing outwards as her breath attack disappeared into a rift just above it before it reappeared again from all the other rifts at once. It was an indiscriminate attack, aimed at everything and everyone around her. The Wyrm King, Nuxta, the Basilisk Queen, the Wild dragons... Everything. Sections of the dragon horde were hit by ice and fell from the skies. But the entirety remained. Some were imbued with fire and shrugged the ice, others were able to be empowered by the ice magic. Since their spells were being stifled. Nuxta and the Basilisk Queen were being protected by the Wyrm King's golden flames. The Queen was embracing Nuxta who remained fully clad in his armor. He held onto her and they began to take flight. Soaring upwards with the Wyrm King and his flames surrounding them. The horde of dragons split and surrounded the Grimorium Verum. Nuxta soon arrived to the sphere. The Queen stood on a few flying dragons as Nuxta approached it. He placed both hands on it and a surge of pure essence erupted like a wave of magical force. Nuxta's armor, once the armor of the King of Vrondi, made from the hide of the Dragon God. It was considered unbreakable.[b] "The resting well of power..."[/b] He continued to hold it as on the other side of the Verum a rift began to form. It opened within seconds and emerging from it was a giant dragon head made of pure essence. It glowed multiple hues all at once, like dazzling scales. "Devour the Grimorium Verum." Nuxta commanded it. The jaws of the beast covered the Grimorium Verum as Nuxta backed away. The maw of the beast before Nuxta radiated with power. Its pull surrounded Sophia. She would feel the impending doom of a rabbit as it was about to be devoured. Something an entity such as hersself would find completely new. The jaws that devoured the Grimorium now surrounded her. Her power dissolved. She was pulled into the jaws of the portal, the beast, then power Nuxta wielded so boldly. Sophia would find hersself within the center of it all. Bright multicolored arrays of primal energy expanding to infinity. Was this Sophia's new hell...?[/hider]