[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] Max followed along dutifully after the detective, not that he had much choice. The administrative building wasn't his guess on where they'd be taken, but he supposed it was reasonable that the campus police was based there instead of in a separate building. The loudspeaker announcements were more subtle than he was expecting, though anyone with half a brain would know something more was amiss. Or, at least the leeches with half a brain would; it seemed like good little Noila subjects would believe anything thrown at them by their vampiric overlords. When they reached the princess' office, Max barely suppressed a sharp exhale from his nose. Just seeing her stupid face pissed him off. He already didn't like this detective for wasting his time, but he [i]hated[/i] the Noilas. There was a vibration in his sleeve from the hidden fork subconsciously raring to attack, and Max quickly clasped his other hand over it as he pretended to scratch an itch on his arm. What did this royal bitch want with them anyway? They didn't do anything wrong but she was eyeing them down like she was planning their execution anyway. At this point, he didn't even care if his stupid cat mask covered up the fact that he was glaring back at her or not. She was the bane of his - no, [i]humanity's[/i] existance. She was the reason he ended up at this asinine academy under a self-important celebrity instead of being assigned to some idle clerical task under some incompetent leech. She was a figurehead for the regime that keeps all of humanity cowering like weaklings. She was an enemy. She was... was... being surprisingly pleasant? No, clearly just an act. Ryner, like all bloodsuckers, was a two-faced creature that cowers from honesty in the same way it does the sun. She could butter them up with offers of drinks and doctored historical propaganda all she wanted; he wasn't falling for it. He just needed to calm down and analyze the situation. What did she have to gain? That detective mentioned her sister. Animosity in the royal court? Typical for vampires, but what did that have to do with them? Max opted not to sit, not wanting to give Ryner the infinitesimally small honor of accepting her fake hospitality. He just hovered next to Eris, quietly seething while he figured out the best way to get rid of the fork he stole earlier. There was also a good chance she noticed he was angry by now, so he'd need to offer an explanation before he was outright asked. [color=8585ad]"Your Highness, can I ask what we're being held for? That detective clearly knew we're not involved, and you seem a bit nonchalant to be believing we're murderers."[/color] He tried to keep his tone cool, but there was an edge to it that he couldn't conceal despite his best efforts. Either way, that worked to his favor; he could look like he was mad about being wrongly detained rather than fantacizing about regicide. [hr][@Hero][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum]