[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GrLZofm.png[/img][/center][hr][color=83bf7e][b]Time:[/b][/color] Night [color=83bf7e][b]Location:[/b][/color] Alexei's [color=83bf7e][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [@Tae] Rose [color=f7976a][@Katthaj] Viktor[/color] [@blackdragon] Rachel [color=BC8F8F][@Rodiak] Kyran[/color] [hr]Stumbling toward the bar to pay his tab, Kade raised his glass to drink up the little bit of whiskey left in it. [color=f7976a]“Hey!”[/color] a sudden voice spoke as a man intercepted Kade on the way to the bar, taking Kade completely by surprise causing him to choke on his drink. [color=f7976a]“How are you doing my friend?”[/color] he continued, but Kade had one hand on his chest and another covering his mouth as he violently coughed. [color=83bf7e][i]‘Obviously could be doing better’[/i][/color] He thought to himself. Finally clearing his throat, Kade looked up to see it was Viktor, the man he was told of earlier. Realizing Viktor was far taller than him, Kade straightened his posture, believing that what he’s doing is asserting dominance, but in reality failing by letting out a sudden hiccup. [color=83bf7e]“I’m peachy.”[/color] Kade spoke with his voice still recovering from a cough. He pressed his eyebrows down, turning his gaze to the glass in his hand. [color=83bf7e][i]‘Damn, I’ve only had a few, why am I already so drunk?’[/i][/color] The thought going through Kade’s head as he studied the drink, [color=83bf7e][i]‘I must’ve lost track’[/i][/color]. [color=f7976a]“I haven't seen you in this town before.”[/color] Said Viktor in an upbeat tone, completely ignoring Kade’s drunk behavior. [color=f7976a]“What's your name?”[/color] he asked. Kade looked back at him and tilted his head, [color=83bf7e][i]'My name? shit, what is it again?'[/i][/color] He thought as he stared at Viktor blankly. [color=83bf7e]“Oh right, it’s deeee…”[/color] Kade continued sounding the beginning of the name he could not remember - the name he gave the bartender. [color=83bf7e][i]‘You gotta stay consistent’[/i][/color] he thought. For a moment, Viktor looked at him blankly too, before his facial expression changed to that of understating. Viktor was obviously used to speaking to drunks, so he just turned his head to the bar and spoke: [color=f7976a]“Hey Rose. I'll pay for this guys tab as he is new to the town, and we should give him a warm welcome.”[/color] He said that in the same upbeat tone he had the entire time, before looking back at Kade to make eye contact, and with a stern look on his face, his tone changing to sound more serious, he spoke again: [color=f7976a]“You know, to show him how we treat each other in this town, and specifically in our fine establishment.”[/color] He watched Kade’s face, looking in his eyes for him to show that he understands what Viktor meant. [color=83bf7e]“Dylan! My name is Dylan!”[/color] Kade announced, elated and clearly proud of himself for remembering. For an awkward moment that felt very long and painful, Kade, Viktor, Rose, and a stranger she was talking to were all silent. Kade’s response clearly threw everyone out of a loop. Fortunately for Kade, a hiccup emerged to break the silence. Kade was acting drunk, he felt it too, but he wasn’t drunk enough for his calculative mind to stop working. Although to Viktor he looks like he had stopped paying attention, Kade had been paying attention to every detail since he had entered the bar. It was clear that Viktor and the rest of his staff were all aware of whatever enchantment was on his wristband. And it was clear that this bar, especially by Viktor’s words, is meant to be a neutral zone among all species. Kade had no interest in messing with that. If anything, he just felt more comfortable being there knowing that his identity is hidden too. So, Kade smiled at him, and nodded in agreement as he turned to the bar to pay his bill. [color=83bf7e]"Oh, right"[/color] he said leaning against the bar, realizing his drinks are already paid for tonight. Another one of the staff hurried to the back of the bar, looking as if he had just gotten there. [color=BC8F8F]"Heyo! New guy!"[/color] the staff member grinned as he noticed Kade. [color=BC8F8F]"Nice to see someone new, other than the usual drunks over there."[/color] Kade raised his eyebrow, as he felt popular suddenly, usually having to approach people on his own, no one ever coming up to him the same way. And now the staff in this bar seem to be completely interested in him. [color=83bf7e]“Yeah well, you’re going to see more of me here.”[/color] He nodded to himself before continuing. [color=83bf7e]“The whiskey is good.”[/color] Before saying anything else, Viktor approached the bar as well, close enough to Kade so that only he could hear. [color=f7976a]“Trust me when I say this”[/color] continuing their conversation as if it was never interrupted, [color=f7976a]“we have had gang wars and looters in this town but not once in 3 generations have someone gotten hurt in our establishment, whatever race, background or skin colour they have.”[/color] He said before turning his head to look at Kade once again, [color=f7976a]“And I'm not looking to change that anytime soon.” [/color][color=83bf7e]“Neither am I.”[/color] Kade responded quickly. Viktor looked at him for a moment, and then gave Kade a pat on the back. [color=f7976a]"I'm telling you this because you looked a little worried at times tonight. If you ever feel threatened, please tell me and ill deal with it, ok?"[/color] said Viktor, back to his upbeat tone. Kade responded with another hiccup. [color=83bf7e][i]'Oh, I don’t feel so good.'[/i][/color] He thought as nausea peeked its head in the back of his throat. [b]“Listen.”[/b] Another voice spoke. It was the women Rose had been speaking to. [color=83bf7e][i]'OH WHAT NOW'[/i][/color] Kade thought as his face turned a strange shade of something. [b]“I don't know if it is my place to say this, but Ember Grove- we don't like trouble. And if you're going to start something, beware; there's more than a few people capable of finishing it for you."[/b] She warned him. Kade had not realized just how much he had to drink that night, as conversations carried on with the visitors of the bar, he had been drinking drinks that are his but also that belong to others. With the women’s unwarranted warning he felt his stomach turn. He signed a O.K. with his right hand with a somewhat patronizing expression toward the women as he ran out of the bar. The nausea clawed at his throat, and he tried to force down the bile, but it was too late. His hands against the wall of the side of the building, chunks of partially digested steak and red liquids spewed out of his coughing, choking mouth. He leaned against a nearby tree as he sunk to the ground. Taking deep breathes and rubbing his eyes. [color=83bf7e]“What the hell was that.”[/color] He said quietly as he ripped the wristband off his wrist, confirming his earlier theory. He hasn’t needed to throw up like that since he was 16 years old. The people inside didn’t really make him feel nervous, not many people do, and mixing drinks has never really been a problem for him before either. He looked at the torn wristband that’s on the floor and tilted his head in wonder. [color=83bf7e]"oh, fuck me."[/color] he said in realization and frustration. He has been going around the bar, talking and making friends with a bunch of strangers, people who laughed as he glogged down their drinks nonchalantly. People who looked ordinary to him, all thanks to the wristband. People who can very well be vampires. People who would mix blood in their alcohol. His stomach began to turn again as he stared at his own vomit of red liquids and chunks of steak, slowly streaming through the cement cracks on the sidewalk.