Sylvia blinked at the question Buddy posed to her. After a moment, she did recall that he didn't have memories of his past. Could that be a part of his reaction? Regardless of her thoughts, Pylia already answered his question, and after hearing it, Sylvia felt a wave of sadness once more. It even sounded selfish on her own part... She then turned her attention back to Pylia as she spoke once more, shedding light on why she wanted to keep her actions secret. After she spoke, Sylvia ran a hand through her own short hair and she told Pylia, "And I don't mind that. Quite frankly, Pylia, if you had gone off on your own, I'd be worried sick. If those necromancers or one of the ghosts from your past killed you when I could have done something to prevent it..." She stopped talking as she started to feel as though bile was rising in her own throat. She continued once the feeling passed, "...Just...[i]Please[/i] don't hesitate to ask me, Buddy, and Shortfang for help if you're going to deal with a ghost or the necromancers," After Buddy wrote his note, she answered him, "Thanks Buddy. I'll help you remember your past as well before I head home,"