Illyana was a little surprised when she saw Ivory approaching them instead of Lucien. Honestly, she had expected Geralt's stunt with her silks to have her storming over there in a rage, but Illyana was impressed by the neutral expression on her face. Maybe she'd known about it in advance? Perhaps working with the man had numbed her to his ostentatiousness...or maybe this was all an act and inside she was seething. Illy hoped for the latter. Anyone letting down their guard around the Magician, even Ivory, would be bad for everyone until Illyana could find a way to pin him down. She watched and listened the exchange between Aurel and the dhampir, and noticed a ripple in the woman's aura as the silks were mentioned. So, it was bothering her and she was managing to maintain a cool demeanor. Illyana raised her eyebrows slightly, impressed by Ivory's ability to hold back. She wondered if it had been Lucien's doing, taming her feisty side. It was sure to bother Geralt if she seemed unaffected by it. [color=598527]"The most interesting thing about the act was the hypnotism, I think,"[/color] she said, looking directly at Ivory. She had decided not to bring up the silks, the less it was mentioned, the easier it would be for Ivory to remain stoic. [color=598527]"Had he mentioned that to you before?"[/color] she lowered her voice a little with this question, glancing around to make sure the Magician was not nearby. She didn't sense anyone watching or listening, but with his abilities it wouldn't be hard to sneak past Illyana. Aurel and Ivory, on the other hand, had much better physical senses, and Illy felt safe discussing this in public as long as they were alert. -------------------------------- Geralt held back a sneer at the Ringleader's suggestion, but did furrow his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that everyone in this troupe was more interested in keeping props intact than making money. Even Lucien, the most charismatic among them, was Heaven-bent on holding the Magician, and all of his performers back. It was clear that while they were successful, none of them had an ounce of showmanship. He understood why he couldn't be trusted, but really, to scold him over something so was asinine. Of course, he must hold his tongue. There would be no wooing Lucien if he was too quick to insult him and his entire troupe. Instead of speaking his mind, he forced a smile and bowed slightly to show his subservience. [color=crimson]"I am but a servant of the stage, patron. As long as the audience is entertained, I consider my job done."[/color] [i][color=crimson]This divine maggot mocks your power. He will know the truth of what he has done in time, when he feels the heat of the Lord's flames nipping at his wing...[/color][/i] Geralt felt anger boiling within him as the creature that shared his body spoke. In this moment, he wanted nothing more than to show Lucien and the rest of them exactly what he was capable of, unfettered...but he knew he must hold back. Akane's arrival distracted him from his rage, and he made sure to lighten his expression as he saw her approach. [color=crimson]"Oh, miss Akane, there you are."[/color] She had come from the direction of the audience seating but Geralt did not recall seeing her in the crowd. He would have too, as it was part of his act to study the faces of those who watched his performances. Curious indeed...maybe the two of them shared more abilities than he had thought initially. [color=crimson]"Thank you for the applause, even I can't deny that I'd been missing it in retirement,"[/color] he said this with a nostalgic sigh and a light smile, as if remembering the old days.