Ivory shook her head at Illy's question. [color=darkgray]"No, he doesn't share more than he has to."[/color] She said, though she did find the fact he could do it interesting, if it was real, at least. [color=darkgray]"If it's real, we should try to stay aware.. just in case..."[/color] She added. Knowing that he could possibly be capable of doing something like that was a bit concerning, considering what someone could actually do with that kind of power. Still she knew asking would get them nowhere, since she was sure he'd never admit to it being real or fake, so the only choice they had was to wait and see for a better sign of how real it might actually be. [color=darkgray]"We might as well join up with the others, we have a busy night ahead."[/color] She said, giving Illyana a glance for a moment. She didn't mind going over there again if the fortune teller was up for it. She was just as curious about finding more information about Geralt as she was. - Lucien could see that Geralt was not entirely pleased by the scolding he had received, but there was no helping it. While he appreciated the man's creativity, he felt like doing things like that would only increase tension among other troupe mates, even if it wasn't the intention, which he did hope that wasn't the case. He just wanted to make sure that he kept that in mind. Akane's smile widened at Geralt's response. [color=rosybrown]"It's certainly well deserved, it was very fun to watch!"[/color] She said, before then looking at Cora. [color=rosybrown]"I hope you liked seeing the dance in action!"[/color] She added, referring to her own act and the dance the mermaid had helped her practice. She had been looking forward to Cora being able to see it mixed in with the other elements of her act.