Illyana had been expecting this answer, but made her disapproval plain on her face anyway. It was unfortunate, but all they could do for now was watch and wait for him to make a mistake or to purposefully reveal something about his abilities. Even the sharpest knives could sometimes dull, if they were patience and perceptive, they would catch something. With renewed resolve, Illyana nodded to Ivory's suggestion and the trio began making their way across the tent toward the rest of the troupe. The dhampir was right, there was time to worry about this later, they did have a long night of prep work ahead before the breakdown at dawn. Geralt merely tilted his head in response to Akane's words, noticing that she had shifted her attention to Cora. The mermaid's eyes brightened even more as her friend made herself known to the three of them. [color=00a99d]"It was just stunning, Akane, really! Seeing it on stage was even better than watching you practice."[/color] Although she had been excited to see Geralt's show, and enamored the entire performance, she had also been looking forward to watching Akane's segment. She was a brilliant dancer, and the way she utilized the different tools throughout the performance was mesmerizing. Cora had been a long time admirer of not only Ivory's, but Akane's physical talents as well. Both women were exceptionally strong and gifted with choreography and execution, and Cora's only regret was that she did not understand the physicality of dance, and could only make suggestions based one what she was seeing. Both she and Geralt's attention was taken when they noticed that Ivory and the rest were approaching. The Siren looked up at the Magician and dhampir's faces as she drew nearer, and could sense tension in the air even though both of their expressions were calm. As the Vampiress closed the gap between their two groups, Geralt took the initiative and stepped forward. [color=crimson]"I believe I owe you an apology, miss Ivory. I ensure you that your silks were not in fact, harmed, and will be returned to you posthaste. My weakness for theatrics may have...clouded my judgement."[/color] He laid a hand on his chest to show how heartfelt his statement was, and made sure that his eyes were as big as they could be as he entreated her. Really, this display was paltry and base for a man of his station, but while Lucien was around he had to maintain the air of humble gentleman. He would have preferred not to have to speak with Ivory until the following day, but it seemed that the woman could not give him but two moments of peace.