[quote=@Realmatic] Well, I still do whatever I want. But they’re attempting to disturb my large-scale research efforts, and though the last attack ended up failing due to a series of happy accidents, those flukes won’t happen again. Bleh. [/quote] I mean... Cool? [quote=@souleaterfan320] *a small nanite on your sleeve still remains* *a voice ringes outi n your head from an unkown frequency* I am sorry for my quick leave of abscence, but I must attend to my business. Meet me in Territory Sigma, coordintates will be sent your way soon, and only to you. Do not share these with anyone, or you will condemn me to death. Meeet me there.... I will explain everything. *the nanite crumbles to dust, self destructing* *the voice is gone* [/quote] Er... Kay.