[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmE3ZDNlNi5VSEpwYm1ObGMzTWdRbkpsYm01aC4w/precious.regular.png[/img][/center] [Color=LightSteelBlue] Time:[/color] Morning--->Late Afternoon [Color=LightSteelBlue]Location:[/color] The Avalon Infirmary--->Main Deck [Color=LightSteelBlue]Interaction:[/color] [@Hawthorne] Solomon [@Helo] [hr] Brenna had remained in the infirmary for the vast majority of the day, doing her duty of helping Solomon out and also trying to find out any information she could about her sister. Unfortunately it wasn’t too terribly much other than the fact that last time the creature had seen her she’d been alive. This alone brought Brenna more comfort than one would think as it meant that her senses were correct and her magic hadn’t failed her. She just prayed that she would continue to survive until they could get there. She spent some time working on some potions as well, things she thought would be useful in coming times. She even made some offensive potions along with filling some pouches with ingredients she could use to cast spells. She would be glad she did such a thing as well when she began to hear something happening above them. [color=lightsteelblue]”Do you hear that?”[/color] She asked as she moved towards the door of the infirmary. She stared at the door inquisitively before slowly opening it. She remained silent, trying to listen to what the noise was. After a moment she realized that it was the sound of swords clashing and gun fire. [color=lightsteelblue]”Something’s wrong.”[/color] She said as she turned back to look at the group in the room. Her guard began to move towards her and listened out the door as well. “We’re under attack! Stay here Princess!” He said before shoving past her, hand on his sword as he headed up to the main deck. Brenna stared after him for a moment, a little perturbed with the order as she could be of help as well. [color=lightsteelblue]”Like hell I will.”[/color] She said as she spun around and grabbed some of the potions and herbs she’d concocted earlier. She also grabbed her sword she’d set of the side when she’d come in to keep out of the way. Now, however, it was time to put it to good use. She was trained with the sword so she could fight just as well as any of the men. On top of it she could use magic to try and help as well. So she looked over to Solomon and grinned coyly. [color=lightsteelblue]”I’m going to go see if anyone needs to be brought to the infirmary.”[/color] She told him before disappearing up the stairs. [hr] Brenna had thrown herself into the fray, having been surprised by how many enemies there were aboard the ship. Many were surprised to see her up there fighting as well, but they were even more surprised to see that she was able to wield a sword rather effectively. One man she had quickly cast a spell using a few herbs to cause fear, making him jump overboard while another she made believe he was drowning which caused him to drop his guard, allowing the man he was fighting to end him swiftly. Still things were looking a bit bleak, at least until they saw another ship. At first she was concerned that it was another pirate ship, but as it drew closer she saw it was an ally. They just had to hold out until they arrived. She watched as a man came up behind a young dark elf that Brenna remembered hearing was named Sylas perhaps. He was about to thrust his blade in his back and so she moved quickly, deflecting the man’s blow. He took a step back and glared at Brenna, giving her the opportunity to pull out a bit of powder. She chanted an incantation before blowing it in the man’s face. He dropped to the floor unconscious. She turned to the dark elf. [color=lightsteelblue]”Are you okay?”[/color] She asked while at the same time noticing the ally ship had made it to them and was joining in the fight. With their help this battle would soon be over. Brenna noticed, however, the body of their captain lying still on the deck and her heart ached a bit. [color=lightsteelblue]”Oh no…”[/color] She whispered, wondering what they would do now.