Jin was shaking as she truly came awake, slowly realizing that their house was not on fire and everything was okay. She clung to Ishawari, trying to breathe and push away the last claws of the nightmare that had her in it's grip. "You're okay... thank the Gods." She closed her eyes, fighting back tears. It had been so vivid, and he’d been so cold and stiff in the midst of the flame. “I thought… I dreamt I lost you. The house was on fire, the Prince was still inside. It was so real...” Jin hated the nightmares. For some reason, all of her daily stresses and fears tended to come out in her sleep. It had been this way all of her life. It actually wasn’t the first time she’d had a nightmare since leaving the palace, but this was the first one to wake her in such a dramatic fashion. Once she was sure she could speak without bursting into some very childish tears, she let him go. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” A quick glance left and right told her that the Prince was still fast asleep, and that it was still night outside the window. “It’s not even dawn yet...”