[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/3d-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191209/f27c98d636e9864594ea8f063575d5b1.png[/img][/url] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2F68.media.tumblr.com%2Fe7b360d2d0776ccf285ec55dba1d3cbc%2Ftumblr_nkpzilzH3G1tm9av7o1_r8_500.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/center] If there is one thing that Hideo cannot stand, it's getting up out of bed, especially if he doesn't want to. And the first day back to school is a time where he doesn't want to. New video game? [i]Hell yeah![/i] Volleyball practice? [i]Meh, he'll play it by ear.[/i] School? [i][b]Hell no.[/b][/i] It just wasn't something he was interested in. To be honest, there wasn't a lot of things he's interested in aside from video games and volleyball. Even that was stretching it. However, he woke up like he usually did, earlier than necessary so he could get in a few more levels on his handheld. Soon, though, time got away from him and he ended up having to quickly scramble around for his backpack and items that were needed in order to survive the school day. Hideo was out the door in less than 10 minutes and rushing to the train station. A few of the guys from the team were already there waiting for their setter and let out a sigh of relief as they all made it onto the train in time. As soon as the setter sat down, he pulled out his game and began paying again, only sparing them a glaring look when they tried to interrupt him for a friendly morning conversation. The train ride was a quick one, he didn't live [i]that[/i] far - but it was better to take the train than any other way. His first day at Meadow Ridge. He had already taken a tour of the campus ahead of time and with all the practices he's been doing with the volleyball team he felt like he was already home within these walls. Well, as close as he could be with not caring or liking the idea of a structured institution. The other players had already taken off and were making their way to the Blossom auditorium where there was supposed to be an assembly by the Headmaster. Hideo just followed along blindly, his gaze still focused on his game than on anything else. Eventually making it to the auditorium, he plopped himself in a seat towards the back where the exit was located. He didn't want to be caught in the onslaught of students rushing out and him being trampled. That would just be a nuisance. The welcoming speech didn't take nearly as long as he thought it was going to, for that he was thankful - however it did limit his game time. [color=CBBE46][i]'Ugh, it is what it is,'[/i][/color] he thought to himself as he stuffed the handheld back into his pack and was the first one to dip out into the hall. It was there that he encountered a lot of the upper class-men and their teachers, sitting or standing next to make shift, pop up stands and tables. Most likely for the clubs and other extra curricular activities that the institute provides. He noticed his volleyball coach, Ukai, speaking loudly - as he came to learn is his coach's normal octave - with a student with sharp teeth. Hideo couldn't help but stare and wonder how the hell he was able to have such sharp teeth. Since his sensei was busy, he decided he was just going to wander and take everything in. It wouldn't kill him to be social every now and then. [i][b]Right?[/b][/i]