[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/comic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191208/cf755d4957888c51fcbf4b8771521e0f.png[/img][/url] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2F23DamIHY7NZbW%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1[/img][/center] Mornings always started with a run. It wasn't a question of if he wanted to or not. He didn't get that luxury. Not if he wanted to be the best and make it to the Olympics. Rin wouldn't stop until his goal was reached and in order to get there he needed to run. Building up hiss lung capacity, strengthening his legs and calves, flexing hiss core - all necessary on land as it is in the water. Rin made sure to streamline his body in every way possible. There are no shortcuts for him. He returned back to his home after an hour of running around in the early morning darkness. He showered and changed before making himself some breakfast. Something small - bacon, sausage, eggs, toast lathered in butter and jelly and of course a glass of milk. In record time he had inhaled his breakfast and was soon biding his sister and mother a [color=A53C3C][i]'goodbye'[/i][/color] and heading off to catch the train bound for Meadow Ridge. While aboard he noticed a lot of the other passengers were also Meadow students, new and old alike. Rin couldn't keep his grin to himself as he scanned the car of all the people there. He could spot the new ones with how nervous or anxious they seemed, fidgeting with their newly pressed uniforms, adjusting the straps on their bags. While he and the other returning veterans were spaced out and just enjoying the relatively quiet ride to school before it all became too real. This was their last year. His last year. Before moving on to university levels. And that much closer to his life goal. If his run didn't get his blood pumping this routinely thought did the trick and as soon as those train doors opened up for the Meadow ridge platform, he was out of there, bolting down the concreted pathway towards the front gate. Checking over the flyers posted along the walls - both inside and outside of the institute - Rin had made his way to the auditorium for a brief moment, listening to Headmaster Ichikawa's speech, before ducking out and strolling around until he came across Coach Ukai - the men's coach for gym and sports in general. Poor dude was pulled in all directions. Walking up to the man he raised a hand in greeting, the other still snug in his pocket, [color=A53C3C]"Yo!"[/color] [u][b]"Oh,"[/b][/u] Ukai turned, blank registration papers in hand, before setting them on the table and greeting the young man in return, [u][b]"Rin! Great to see you again. Ready for the new swim year?"[/b][/u] A beaming smile towards his swim captain. He knew that Rin held the potential to go all the way, but he also knew that the kid needed to relax and enjoy himself a lot more too. [color=A53C3C]"Heh, you know it, Coach!"[/color] His big toothy, shark like grin making an appearance. Glancing around at the now sudden noise he turned back to the older male, leaning against the wall behind the tabled booth, [color=A53C3C]"You'd think with as successful as Meadow is, they could afford to give you a break and hire another coach - even just one more person, ya know?"[/color] Ukai just chuckled at his student and ran a hand through his hair, [u][b]"Who knows kid, maybe they'll throw me a bone this year. One can only hope."[/b][/u] And with that, Rin was off checking out the booths, watching the new students faun over the older students with heart filled eyes or scrambled to go join up with clubs before they filled. It brought back fond memories and he didn't even try to hold back his chuckle. [i][b]This was going to be his year.[/b][/i]