[b][I]Palace of the Blachernae, Renovation[/i][/b] Tocsax was the one to turn towards Stefan and say, “Proof? You and I both know that a display of power will not suffice and that your world and your ‘Shining Host’ value knowledge as much as they do the sword. So let me answer your query with one of my own - What gave your world’s version of The Khan the idea to suppress Gunpowder - If you know of the substance - and depend on Alchemy and Stellistry instead? Or rather, what vision did he receive and what was he trying to [i]avert[/i]?” A smile. “The answer? A vision of Ascot’s world - [i]My[/i] world, and the seeming doom it was headed for. That was the point of divergence that gave your timeline, your own world, its own life.” Another smile, more confident this time, “Search your feelings, Stefan of Isik Dunya, you know it to be true plus in accord with what you’ve been allowed to know about your universe’s history.” [@Double][@Gisk][@Shiyonichi][@Nerevarine][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@ShadowVentus]