Cs Name: Saber Gender: Male Age: 125,000 Species: Familiar Faction: Nimbats Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/74/0a/4a/740a4a7b6816f23e9df337036c2ff21a.jpg[/img] Personality: Saber is a thrill seeker. He loves to battle and play with others. He never takes battling seriously not even against enemies stronger than him. He instead finds it more entertaining. Saber is exremely smart too in both battle and magic knoweldge. This is why he gets along with Freezeflame so well. Flame enjoys fighting and sparring against him often while Freeze enjoys the conversations he has with Saber. Saber is not the best person to fight with as sometimes he his power of primal energy can greatly affect him. When using his power too much Saber can become wild. Instead of just 'playing' Saber's personality changes becoming far more aggressive. In this state Saber will use blood magic more than he ever does and will also try to bite and ingest his enemy's blood. If he manages to ingest blood Saber will lose every last ounce of control he had. Becoming conpletely feral like. He is savage, wild and rabid. In this state he is unpredictable and will use his powers to the absolute limit not caring who or what he kills. Power 1: Primal Energy Manipulation Power 2: Magic Unique Familiar Ability: Any blood he ingests not including his own empowers him. All of his physical abilities and powers are dramatically increased for a short period of time and he gains a small portion of power of who'sever blood he ingests. The downside to this ability however is he can never turn it off and ingesting blood turns him wild and rabid. Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other