[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Oak Park > Car Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Matthew fiddled with his thumbs as his head spun more and more questions. He didn't want to assault her with a barrage of inquiries yet there was still so much that he didn't know, so much he [i]needed[/i] to know. His leg shook slightly as he stood, anticipation and anxiety running rampant throughout as he awaited for Tinker to lead them towards a new world of adventure. The thought alone of a woman who could transform into a dragon and breathe villainous lime green flames was unnerving to say the least. But it also made him curious as to if her child could do the same, and did other children inherit such powers from the world of fairytales? His story was that of wonder yet to his knowledge his father wasn't one with a lot of power per se. Then again depending on the tale he did make tea time permanent so that he would never advance past that time. Maddy stopped walking for a beat as he tried to wrap his mind around the idea of warping and altering time. A few seconds later and he shook his head clear of those thoughts and back on more tangible things, such as the Vorpal Sword, or pet Jabowacky, the idea of fighting back to back, side by side, with a child of Arthur and the legendary excalibur in his hand while Maddy wields the Vorpla Sword; fighting off Maleficent and having Colby use his powers of disapperation to land the final blow. A small smile crept up at the corner of his lips before he sat down in the car. [Color=aba400]"I-I'm sorry for all the questions but...how old are you? How long do pixies live? And most importantly how does time work in Arcadia versus here? Is it a one to one ratio? Is one day here 30 over there? And how exactly does one get there? I've never seen it on any map."[/color] Maddy wasn't so sure about their seating arrangements, but he took the passenger seat none the less, taking the hint from Colby.