Cs Name: Green Gender: Male Species: Dragon Age: 2000 Room Number: Rooming With: Alignment: Good Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/9f/62/819f6208afacd092bff1309eb3d2f0c2.jpg[/img] Personality: Green is curious and friendly child. He enjoys being playful and making new friends. He is still young so he hasn't mastered his powers yet. Green will do anything to help others. Green is always polite and respectful. He tries his hardest to stay smiling and happy and he will do what he can to make others smile too. He cares deeply for the ones he befriends and will protect them with all of his power. Bio: TBR Power 1: Elemental Dragon Physiolgy Power 2: Magic Energy Manipulation: He can manipulate the magic energy in the air. Doing so allows him to use the magic for his powers instead of using his body. For example. In the act of shooting a fire ball he can use the magic energy in the air to have the fireball form in the air instead of his mouth. Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: