Cs Name: Rin Gender: Female Age: of 400 Species: Moon Elf Room Number: 406 Rooming With: Cherry Rins Alignment: Neutral Good Astaroths Alignment: Chaotic Evil Appearance: [img]https://i.redd.it/ymavpt4a92wy.jpg[/img] Personality: Rin has an extremely compassionate and supportive personality. Rin can be very violent and get into fights due to her demon side Rin has a kind heart. She supports her friends and family and tries to encourage and help them in any way possible. She is also very protective of sister. Rin impulsiveness, naivety and her care-free attitude, which makes more serious people look down on Rin making it hard for her to be taken seriously by some people however, Rin is surprisingly even tempered and laid back and rarely gets angry without a good reason. Rin often relates to people easily and connect their feelings to her own she is often the first to tray and make people feel better if they're down. She is headstrong and is often very open with her friends. Despite her usual hot blooded and obstinate attitude, Despite how she may act Rin is more sensitive than she lets on. Bio: Rin comes from a long line of Elven Shamans who have protected elf’s humans and the sprit world from evil spirits and demons. Rin has taken up her family’s responsibility of protecting the world of the living and the land of the dead while doing her best to make sure they don’t interact or interfere with each other. Runs ancestors sealed a powerful demon in a legendary sword centuries ago and have kept a close eye on it ever since. Though sealed away Astraoths power is not completely contained and he can influence those who carry his sword attempting to corrupt them and temp them into giving in to their darker sinful side trying to trick them into releasing him from his seal. Rin has had trouble resisting Astaroths temptations like most of her ancestors when they first took over the responsibilities of guarding the democratic sword. Power 1: Sprit/Soul Magic Power 2: Demonic Force Manipulation Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Yimazato ancient demon slayer sword with the demon Astaroth a powerful sin demon sealed within it Other: Astaroths appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/49/d0/5949d04d9c73722dab69d09d8fc9f572.jpg[/img]