[color=Red][CENTER][h1][b]Amelia[/b][/h1][/CENTER][/color] [hr] Amelia stifled a snort at Lynn's comment about her hair. For all of three seconds at least. Then she fell into a bit of a drunken giggle as she leaned back against her own tree. "No. No no, it's...it's totally fine. I know what you meant." She snorted. "And I mean, it's not like I'd..." Amelia caught herself at just maybe the last minute. The alcohol had been starting to talk, and Amelia was always one to be taken with those of the "bad person" persuasion. Still, a little voice in the back of her head told her maybe this wasn't the best time to be flirting, so she shoved the comment right back down. "Never-mind. It's cool. I'm cool." Amelia looked back over at Eli's look of surprise and raised a finger to her lips in a shush motion while she smirked. "Oh, it's my whole...thing. I teleport. But not a normal teleport, I guess? Only when nobody's looking. Otherwise, when I try to do it..." Amelia's form suddenly began to shimmer and shake uncontrollably, before appearing a few inches to the left of where she had been before. She shrugged. "I can't get as far. Real pain in the ass, honestly." She seemed to shimmer a bit, before her goofy grin faded, and she slid down to sit on the ground with a little bit of a frown. "Causes a little bit of a headache too when people are watching. Not a fan." Amelia's grin returned as Eli stated they wouldn't be going anywhere. "Yeah, fuck that. It's tradition, you know? Gotta stick together when this shit happens. It's supposed to be bonding or some shit." She smirked a bit, until the look turned inquisitive when she also started to hear the noise. [i] Pssh... shhnnk.[/i] She leaned her head over towards the sound, not quite getting up yet. She didn't notice when the noise got clearer, but she did start to feel the gears in her head turning. "Huh. You know, it could be the drunk talking, but that almost sounds like a shove......." "Oh no." Insidiously, almost as though it had always been watching and waiting, the feelings of panic began to drip into Amelia's brain. Of course, of fucking [i]course.[/i] The one day that Amelia decided she would try to get out and reintegrate with her friends, and someone [i]else[/i] had been murdered. Of course, this could all just be a massive jump to conclusion. And while some part of Amelia in the back of her head knew this, the panic was starting to block out that rational thinking. Amelia sprang to her feet unsteadily, her fight or flight response starting to kick in. "Why did I agree to meet at a park [i]again?[/i] After last time?" Amelia almost jumped as Eli's alarm went off, her body shimmering as though it wanted to teleport away on instinct. She looked over at Eli with a look of panic in her eyes. "What the fuck was that?"