James was never happier to make it to the top of a flight of stairs. He was happy that the advil had obviously kicked in. He briefly wondered how long it would be before he could take another. He was also happy that the doctor wasn't around to yell at him. Technically he didn't think this degree of activity was allowed. After all he did just get out of bed confinement today. So, in conclusion, James willingly let rainbow hair go ahead of him. Mainly because he didn't think anyone was going to attack him here. Anyways, it wasn't like the kid gave him much of a choice. "Sure. Whatever." James said, as he rested, to thin air. He took a few deep breaths before stepping into the hallway. He blinked when the kid asked which room was Alice's. In all honesty James had just assumed that when she had said she lived above the bar, she was the only one. Apparently that was false. James sighed heavily. Well, this would be a good time to let the kid know what James would expect of him in Alice's room. "I don't know." James said in response to the question. "Hold up a second." He gestured the kid closer to him. When he spoke next his voice was pitched low. "When I talk to Alice I need you to follow my directions okay? Just as I mention them, don't go improvising." He didn't wait for acknowledgement. Either the kid would do it or not. "First, I'm not going to be nice to her. I'm going to blame her. I don't think it was her fault, but I'm going to let her think that. Then, if she really didn't do it, chances are she wont want to talk to me. If she doesn't, you're going to. Be the sweet kid we both know isn't in there." James smirked. "Get her to tell you who might have warned Avery Higgins I was coming, or who didn't want me messing with Higgins. Okay?" Classic good cop, bad cop. Classic, because it worked. After all Alice was an older woman, mid-fifties. She liked kids and rainbow head looked like he could be a charmer if he wanted. While James just finished talking one of the two doors opened and a woman poked out her head. "Get lost? I assume you're Parks and Brat. Sam said you were coming up and when you didn't show, I was going to come looking." Alice was indeed an older woman. She dyed her hair black, wore little makeup and while she wasn't large, neither was she skinny.