[color=E5D0FF][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/0aa289a53ea99bfa151f43d3f87240e6.png[/img][/url][/CENTER][/color] [hr] [i]’Alert: Target within 100 feet’[/i] Eli couldn't feel the tips of her fingers, or the heat of Lynn's nearby presence on her skin. She was numb. The only sensation she felt was a tightness in her chest. She'd stopped breathing. Her eyes were fixed on the forest before her, and in the light of Lynn's glow she could make out a patch of leave-less trees before her. The trees were dead. 300 hundred parahumans were dead. [b]Zeke was dead.[/b] Because of the woman that was less than 100 feet before her. [i]The blue goo in the jar.[/i] The stowaway that The Promise allowed to slip past their guard. She'd never expected to be the one to find her first. It would have been Radvi- it should have been Radvi. Should it have been Radvi? What could he do, but call for backup and fight her off until the nullifiers arrived? Eli wasn't as strong as he was, but she had been gifted with something a lot stronger instead. Would her ability be enough to hold her in place until the others came? Would she be able to withstand a few hits, and hold an illusion over a woman that could morph and separate her body into smaller pieces? It would take a lot of energy and concentration. [i]More than I can handle...[/i] She thought; the realistic part of her mind making its way into the melee of her thoughts. She heard Amelia's words, but they sounded distant and muffled. Her focus was still on the space before her. Her ears were honed in on the sounds of shoveling. Amelia was right. It was a shovel and dirt. Had the woman killed again? Who was it this time? A security guard? A trainer? A student? [b]Like Zeke?[/b] There was one last [b]shhnk[/b] before the world was quiet. Eerily quiet. [i]She knows. She heard the alarm. She's transformed into blue goo and she's coming.[/i] Eli felt sick. Sick with fear- [b]with anger.[/b] The quiet was replaced by distant sounds of cries for help. The screams were getting louder the longer the silence lasted. Eli's fingers curled into fists, her nails digging crescent moon shapes into the palms of her hands. [b]300 parahumans.[/b] She began to breathe again; long, laboured breaths. The shoveling suddenly continued, but Eli wasn't fooled. Arianna had to have heard them. This was a trick. Some sick joke before blue goo came crawling up her leg and wrapped itself around her neck. She flinched as she felt something warm clamp itself around her mouth. Her hands came up to grasp whatever was attacking her face, but as she heard Lynn's whispers she stopped herself inches before the girl's wrist. As brave as Lynn sounded, Eli was unable to complete the girls wishes. Even if she wanted to hide from Arianna, she was too far away from her to have any affect on her. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay and make sure this blue bitch was taken down. Lynn released her mouth, and Eli took a deep breath. There was no way she was going to leave. Not when Lynn was walking into the dark, towards the woman who was responsible for a massacre. Eli could tell what Lynn's plan was the moment she felt the heat emanating from the small girl. It would be dangerous to be around Lynn when she was relinquishing her control over her fire. Eli would have to be very careful, but she was going to stay and watch this bitch burn. Lynn couldn't be left alone right now. Not in her inebriated state. Not after she just word vomited what had been bothering her earlier. There was a chance that the girl would get carried away and forget about her own safety. Eli couldn't allow that. Everyone needed someone in dark times. Even Lynn. And tonight felt like one of the darkest nights of all. Eli turned towards Amelia, keeping her eyes focused on the girl as she slowly began to back towards the direction of Lynn's light. She was wise to keep her eyes on the other, in case Lynn had warned her to get them out of there. [color=E5D0FF]"Look, Amelia... I understand that you have every right to get out of here as fast as possible,"[/color] she began, her voice as sincere as it could be considering the current situation. [color=E5D0FF]"I can't leave Lynn here alone. I'm going to help her. The alarm you heard also alerted a security friend of mine, and I'm sure he's on the way too. We just have to hold her off for a little while. If you don't want to stay, maybe you could go back to the fire and get everyone away from here for me."[/color] She'd reached a good distance away now, and she suddenly noticed that the sounds of shoveling had stopped. [i]Lynn. She found her.[/i] [color=E5D0FF]"If you stay, then I need your help to get close to her. I can only affect her mind if I'm within 30 feet. I could really use someone to get me close enough to damage her and get out of there before she can hit me back."[/color] She looked over her shoulder now, spotting Lynn's light in the distance. [color=E5D0FF]"Are you with me?"[/color] She asked, her voice hushed now in case she could hear anything from Lynn's direction.