[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fy2k0zzR/source.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][/center][hr][center][h3][color=f7941d][b]Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 11:30 AM[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/WpKJC0mt/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]The Amtrak Station...[/b][/color] [color=f6989d]"What? I'm not going to hold your jacket, I'm not a coat hanger!"[/color] Bonnie complained, unceremoniously dropping Flynn's jacket onto the ground. She needed her hands free anyways for this fight - thankfully, Cass had volunteered to cover them but she wasn't really sure there was much need anymore. One of the triplets had been shot in the stomach and Flynn had just set all of them on fire. The triplets collapsed to the ground, unconscious from the extreme pain, and the telepathic link they had set up between Anastasia and Jinx vanished. [color=f6989d]"Cass, put them out!"[/color] Bonnie requested, hoping Cass could use her powers to send some water down. They might have been evil, but they didn't need to die. [color=7851A9]"Thing is for it to be a warning shot, I need to feel threatened,"[/color] Hawkeye explained to Jinx. He sent another taser arrow off at Jinx, only for the arrow to whizz by Jinx's ear. [color=7851A9]"See? Warning shot. Now you try,"[/color] he quipped. As Maria was looking for the mutants who had escaped, she would notice Val and Ksenia (David). Val tilted her head slightly at all of them, before letting out a shrill whistle. The whistle was more like a blast of sound however, knocking all of the agents backwards onto the ground. Ksenia smirked slightly at Val, brandishing what looked like claws made out of psychic energy on the ends of her fingers. "Cat fight!" Ksenia laughed, before pouncing at Maria. Ksenia missed, going a little too wide but it hardly deterred her. She hadn't gotten to have fun in a long, long time. [color=add3ff]"Stay away from her, crazy!"[/color] Novikova shouted, trying to control the Earth to throw a rock at Ksenia but it didn't work. The Russian agent then tried the next best thing - she tackled Ksenia to the ground.[hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/5yqyXQGW/image.png[/img][/center][hr][color=f7941d][b]On the Road...[/b][/color] Thinking on James' suggestion, Casper wondered if a good idea might have been to wake up Vulcan and toss him out the back - he'd offer a decent distraction to the cops just by killing them all. Feedback seemed to have it more than covered, something that he found surprising given that her mother had been killed in similar circumstances recently. The stray thought though proved too much for Casper, as the ghost of Feedback's mother appeared in front of him, her face covered in blood and he couldn't help but scream, [color=DBA1DE]"Leave me alone!! I can't bring you back! No one has that power, so just go away!"[/color] His hands were shaking and he wished there was more room in the car - or at least a little privacy - that way he could down some of the pills he had stolen. [i]"Casper, deep breaths - she can't hurt you!"[/i] Ben pleaded. He couldn't stop Casper from hearing the awful cries of pain Waverley's mother's ghost was letting out, cries that no one else in the car would be able to detect. And unfortunately, no one could stop her pain either. Unlike the living, the dead could never really move on - they could never move forward, evolve and change, become better... [color=B0B4B0]"Police are following,"[/color] Colossus observed. Despite Waverley's transmission, the cop cars were still tailing them - maybe because they were speeding, maybe because mutants were involved, maybe they had figured out someone was tampering with their radio signals? Either way, it wasn't going to be as simple as Feedback sending out some vibes this time. More bullets were flying, grazing Sapphire and leaving a cut on her cheek. One of them hit Colossus and bounced off of the metal mutant, luckily ricocheting out of the car and just breaking the window rather than hurting anyone else. [color=B0B4B0]"We need plan - we cannot bring police to Underground."[/color] To make matters worse, Magik let out a scream of pain, as... [i]something glowing started to come OUT of her chest?![/i] [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - Sabretooth's Hallway...[/b][/color] Veil nodded slightly, not too keen on the idea of just leaving Sabretooth in the middle of the hallway. Unfortunately, she didn't really see anywhere to stash him easily or anything that they could use to restrain him. Maybe they could have opened one of the doors at random and shoved him inside, yet the leader of the Mutant Underground ultimately decided that just moving on now would be for the best. With their luck, Sabretooth would be awake shortly - and he probably had their scents. [color=935DB8]"We need to find Sunshine - she ran down one of these hallways alone,"[/color] Veil explained. Max and Havok had gone off to help Leighton, so she was covered but Sunshine was all alone. [color=935DB8]"Jack, too, if we can - I don't know where he went."[/color] The private investigator after all had had the infinite wisdom to split the party and she hadn't seen him since before he got into the elevator alone. [color=935DB8]"Once we find our people, we can either continue to look for information on Shaw or we can leave while we can. We've been here long enough."[/color] She glanced behind them, only to notice that Sabretooth had vanished - eerily like what had happened with Nightcrawler earlier. [color=935DB8]"Guys? He's gone..."[/color] Veil pointed out, but that was hardly the last of their problems. At the end of the hallway, Mister Sinister was waiting for them, smiling like the cat that ate the canary. [color=8E6BB3]"Welcome, Valery, Callie, Luna... I hope you've been enjoying yourself in my humble abode."[/color] [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - the Laboratory...[/b][/color] Sunshine groaned slightly, a bit annoyed that Jack didn't carry a lock pick on him. [color=#DAF7A6]"What sort of P.I. are you then?"[/color] she snapped bitterly. Sunshine then took a slight breath. [color=#DAF7A6]"Whatever, sorry,"[/color] she corrected. The other mutants in the cages weren't any help. The ones that weren't drooling were just muttering to themselves and she didn't feel like asking them if they had any tools for escape - and she definitely did [i]not[/i] want to end up like them. Well, if they didn't have a way to pick the lock... Sunshine eyed the lock on her cage. It was incredibly rusty and old. She curled her fingers around the bars of the ceiling and then gave the lock a hard kick, putting all of her bodyweight into it. By some miracle, the lock broke off and clattered to the ground, letting Sunshine swing the metal door of her cage open and she slid out onto the ground, stretching her legs. [color=#DAF7A6]"Hold on, I've got you,"[/color] she informed Jack, picking the lock off from the floor and she went over to his cage, starting to hit Jack's lock with her own. It took about a dozen hits or so, but Jack's old lock came off as well, freeing him. [color=f7941d][b]Sinister's Lair - the Wardrobe Suite...[/b][/color] Emma nodded, understanding that they had their concerns. [color=E0F6FD][i]"Incisive questions, Leighton,"[/i][/color] Emma praised, standing up from the chaise. An image then appeared floating behind her, a telepathic projection to be precise of a tropical island. [color=E0F6FD][i]"While some are fortunate to live in areas that tolerate, perhaps even celebrate mutants, most of our kind around the globe live in fear. To remedy this, I've purchased an island near Madagascar called Genosha. My vision is for Genosha to be the first mutant nation, a place where mutants may choose to reside if they so wish... I wouldn't dream of forcing anyone to travel to Genosha. And the establishment of a mutant homeland brings no challenge to humanity - I am not here to court war, merely to bring peace."[/i][/color] The image of the island faded and Emma walked across the room for a moment, thinking. [color=E0F6FD][i]"It appears you may have gotten a misconstrued idea of what I do... It is true that one of my former associates, Sebastian Shaw... He wished to profit from mutant and human violence. He is no longer a part of my organization, my vision for what Genosha can be."[/i][/color]