[color=344A6C][center][h1][b]Tristan Douge[/b][/h1][/center] [hr][center]Abandoned Church[/center][/color][hr] Tristan's brain took a good few minutes buffering as the woman-- Brianna, told him exactly what he had been hoping to hear the past few months. "She's behind the serial killing" Was all Tristan remembered directly processing. It took a good sense of decency for him to avoid storming right up to her and demanding what she knew, even after she shut down any questions until later. Almost even forgot there were other people there, once he stepped inside. Seeing nowhere better to put what he originally left the house for, he just tossed the jug of milk onto one of the empty, still-standing pews. [i]Just keep it in one piece, Tristan; She'll explain things in just a little bit[/i], he repeated to himself in his head. Taking a deep breathe, he opened his mouth. "[color=344A6C]I trus--[/color]" Suddenly, a heavy banging and growling came at the door. "Shit," Brianna had said, "The Witch has found us..." There she was again, using lingo she had yet to explain. "[color=344A6C]What is this Witch you keep going on about? What the hell--[/color]" Tristan began in frustration. Suddenly, more thumping. Up the side of the building, and then it stopped, for a few still moments, letting silence refill the abandoned church. And then the entire fucking roof, or at least what remained of it, fell right on top of their heads. Tristan managed to avoid any harmful debris by diving to the ground and quickly rolling underneath one of the pews, covering his head. Thankfully it wasn't crushed under the rotting planks above, neither was he under it. A complete cloud of dust was startled up into the air by whatever the fuck that thing was, which Tristan could hear was now right inside the church as a part of the same growling that accomplished the pounding at the door. He heard some shouting and panicking going around by everyone else inside, but Tristan did well to keep his mouth shut, not daring to make any noise that might attract whatever the hell just ruined the already-ruined church.