[h2]Kalla[/h2] "I was looking for a friend," Sev shrugged as Maeve questioned him, "almost found one, but he had the bad manners to blow himself up. That's who the explosion was, no one was hurt by it but him. Think he wanted to take me with him. I swear, people these days refuse to accept when they are beaten." Sev paused a moment to scowl at the blade of his spear, pulling a rag from a pocket and began cleaning the blood off before it could dry. Of course, this was only partly a front, allowing him time to inspect the other Sylve that had joined them. No military uniform, didn't look like a government official. But he did seem quite skilled with his gift of air, more so than Sev was with his own though he would argue he was better with light, if he was ever to admit to having that gift. Seemingly satisfied with the now clean blade Sev pocketed the rag and held the staff out, chanting some meaningless phrases that sounded like a spell. Rings of light ran up and down the length of the spear, it's form shifting and changing till it was once again a staff. While Sev had removed any markings indicating the weapon belonged to the Sylve military it was still recognizable as such to a trained eye. Better to allow people to make the assumption the weapon had been transformed into a military style spear than he was just carrying such a spear around. "Local lord doing deals with bandits against his own people?" Sev asked, looking up in contemplation as he thought, leaning his staff against his shoulder, "that's a new one I think."