[u][b]Daisy[/b][/u] This was growing concerning. If the mage's shield didn't hold then the rest of them would be in for an unhealthy experience within that miasma the masked attacker exuded. Fortunately thanks to her familiar the attacker's miasma abated to an extent. It would give them breathing room, so to speak, in the off-chance that the shield shattered. Her cold eyes weighing the risks she decided to hold off on bringing another summon to the fight just yet. She trusted Thanatos with this task as he was quite a capable killer. With that she stood near the back all the same should the need to retreat to a more secluded position arise. She did loath to bring forth new fears into being in front of an audience. As for Thanatos itself the blast of magic was annoying but only served to stall it. Flowing into the motion it curved around as it was blasted back and like dark tatters upon a cursed wind it flew for the aggressor with it's scythe primed to strike. Seeing the martial artist leap in to deliver a kick at the demon it waited just within striking range, following the masked attacker's movements with the angle of it's blade so that when and if the attacker dodged the strike aimed at him Thanatos could cut along his path. The moment stood still, it's blade ready to bisect the masked threat as commanded.