[center][color=darkgreen][h3]Linkle[/h3][/color] [color=darkgreen][b] Level 5[/b][/color] - (39/50) + 1 [color=darkgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Darkest Steppe ~ Yog-Sothoth's Jurassic Fight Club Part 5: Dinosaurs Vs. Dragons [color=darkgreen][b]Word Count: 387 [/b][/color] [/center] [@Lugubrious][@ProPro][@Stekkmen][@Yankee][@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] [hr] Linkle didn't have hardly any time to celebrate sinking both those shots into the monsters neck before it let out a scream that crashed into her like an enraged Bracyadose. Her whole body shook, he crossbows clattering to the ground as her hands went instinctively and uselessly to her ears. he couldn't block it out, the noise being carried down her rabbit ears to shake her brain. She stumbled back in a daze as it ended, her vision blurry, one set of ears ringing like bells and the other still well enough to recognize the rhythmic [b][i][i]thump thump thump[/i][/i][/b] made by the footfalls of a charging animal. It occurred to Linkle that she hadn't given thought to what she would do if the explosions didn't go off, or weren't powerful enough to stop the monsters charge. Like with most Linkle Ideas™ the consequences were just something to be dealt with after. The obvious answer was get out of the way but that wasn't happening until she got her legs back under her and judging by how loud those stomps were getting she didn't have that kind of time She threw out her arms instead in a desperate attempt to mitigate the damaged from getting blown up again. Oh Hylia if this didn't work out she was going to get blown up [i]again[/i]! A full on explosion this time too, not just a close call. She was pretty tough, it wouldn't kill her outright, but she'd seen what this thing had done to Bowser. She wasn't as tough as Bowser! As these felling built up, powered on by the stress she was under, something strange began to happen. The temperature around her began dropping rapidly. Her hair started to sparkle in the golden light then lifted unnaturally and in a flash transformed from blond to blue. Ice started to coalesce in front of her outstretched hand, growing and growing until it formed a crude and uneven semicircle of waist high ice wall. Of course she didn't have the time to appreciate what she'd just done either, because at that point the crystals went off just like she planned and sent new sharp pains into her already tender ears. She wasn't even in any position to appreciate the incredible monster\dragon throwdown going on almost right in front of her.